
The New Flavor Of Oreos Sounds AMAZING

by Maya M

THIS JUST IN: a photo leaked on Instagram by user cookie0man reveals that all your most delicious dreams are coming true. Cotton Candy Oreos have been rumored to be hitting the market, and now been Nabisco confirms that this rumor is the real deal. That's right — two of the world's most sugary and delightful sweet treats will become one in this golden cookie filled with pink and blue cream. The company didn't actually say when the cookie would be released, but let's all hope it's sooner rather than later. After all, whose diet doesn't need more food coloring, am I right?

This is pretty exciting news for all moms with children in elementary school who just need something new to add to the daily "one bagel, one string cheese, and one Capri Sun" packed lunch situation (which is the exact lunch my mom made me for six years of my life), not only because Oreos are delicious and come in the most fun flavors (ice cream, peanut butter, mint, neapolitan, birthday cake, watermelon) but because they also support some pretty awesome causes. Like in 2012 when they released the six-layer rainbow Oreo cookie and surprised all their Facebook fans with a photo that said "pride" and "proudly support love."

So go ahead, check out these beauties and standby for them to hit the shelves soon.