12 Painfully Awkward Photos Of Presidents Hanging Out Together
Presidents by themselves can be pretty awkward, but all bets are off when presidents hang out together. Is it more awkward when presidents from rival parties get together, or when presidents from the same party — say, two Democrats — are forced to make small talk? Can two — or three, or four, or five — leaders of the free world be friends? Can they be enemies?
The idea of presidents together brings about more questions than it does answers, most likely because when we think of the presidency, we think of a single person. Interdependence and group authority isn't really America's thing — it's true that we have checks and balances, but at the end of the day there's one person in charge. So what happens when these hyper-individualized individuals are in the same room?
Turns out, presidents are pretty amicable people — at least, that's what the photographic evidence says. Maybe this is due to the fact that they probably undergo serious social skills and media training before campaigning. But maybe they just get along because they're the only ones who really get it. Much like the only people who can understand what it's like to be in One Direction are the other people in One Direction, one of the only people who can understand what it's like to be President Obama is actually President Bush. So judge for yourself — how tight are the presidents?
Reagan and Clinton
This is a very weird photo because it looks like Reagan and Clinton could be friends palling around, but you can also see Reagan looking at Clinton in what evolutionary researchers might call a gesture of embarrassment or submission. Fascinating.
Eisenhower and Nixon
What on earth were they talking about just before this photo was taken? I think I’d rather not know. It looks like it was probably a deeply uncomfortable subject.
Bush and Bush
Perhaps this is not the most revolutionary photo on this list, but it still counts as an awkward photo of two presidents. What do you think it’s like to have your dad as your predecessor? There’s no way that house never gets tense.
Bush and Carter
Everyone here looks a little perplexed, like they can’t quite recall how they got here. At the same time, they both look like they really know what they’re doing, and it’s very serious. Lessons of the Presidency, I suppose.
Kennedy and Johnson
Even if there weren’t any real political tensions in this photo, there is definitely some dramatic irony in this photo, considering the fact that Johnson didn’t even want to be President — he was forced to take the office when Kennedy was assassinated.
Bush, Ford, and Clinton
Interesting polo choice here. While red is traditionally a Republican color and blue a Democratic one, it seems that Bush is wearing a light blue, while Clinton is complementing his rosy cheeks with a bright screaming red. What are these jokesters laughing about? How hilarious golf is?
Obama and Clinton
I can’t say anything about this picture that won’t get me in trouble.
Obama and Bush
Bush wants to hold hands, but Obama doesn’t know how to tell him he’s not ready to take that step yet.
Carter and Clinton
Clinton definitely knows something Carter doesn’t know. Carter is wearing a face that clearly says “blissful ignorance,” while Clinton appears measurably more concerned — or perhaps he’s just mastered the Serious Beard Stroke.
Jefferson and Washington
This is without a doubt the original awkward dual-president relationship, since it literally happened during the first U.S. presidency ever. Even if Jefferson was not yet president and this isn’t a photo of their actual faces, it definitely counts.
Carter and Bush
More hysterical laughter. Is it because their ties are matching? Or are they all just sleep deprived?
Lincoln and Buchanan
The relationship between Lincoln and Buchanan was painfully awkward. Meanwhile, here are Obama and Lincoln hanging out together, posing as Obama smiles fondly at his predecessor.