Adam Driver Vs. Adam Sackler: Their Quotes Are Shockingly Hard To Tell Apart
As Bustle writer Nicole Fabian-Weber pointed out, Adam Driver and his Girls character Adam Sackler are basically the same person. They're both actors. They're both named Adam. They both speak in sweeping, profanity-ridden existentialist statements. When you lay their various sound bites side by side, Adam Driver quotes vs. Adam Sackler lines are almost indistinguishable. There's no denying it.
Put your knowledge to the test. Think you can tell the Adam Driver's words from Adam Sackler's? Give it your best shot, kid.
Sackler or Driver?
“I’m petrified of the Internet.”
The Lincoln actor discussed his dubiousness of the Internet with VMan in their
Spring/ Summer 2015 issue. To complete the thought, he continued, “It doesn’t quite make sense to me, that mass shaming without any empathy.” This is a sentiment that I wouldn’t put past the fictional Adam, either.
Sackler or Driver?
“Boredom is bulls–t. It’s just for lazy people with no imagination.”
Image: HBO
Adam utters this bumper-sticker ready statement in Season 3 of Girls. IRL Adam probably agrees with it.
Image: HBO
Sackler or Driver?
“Here’s the thing, life’s sh–ty, and we’re all gonna die. You have friends, and they die. You have a disease, someone you care about has a disease, Wall Street people are scamming everyone, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer. That’s what we’re surrounded by all the time.”
These words from Driver’s September 2014 GQ profile sound like they’re fresh from the pen of Dunham, but the thoughts are Driver’s own.
Sackler or Driver?
“I feel like I have to move violently once a day or I’ll lose my mind.”
Image: HBO
Driver extolled the virtues of exercise in his January 2014 interview with Rolling Stone, but did so in some characteristically odd language. What a way with words he has.
Sackler or Driver?
“I don’t care about hair. It grows. It shrinks. You can’t get attached.”
Yet another pearl of everyday wisdom from Season 3 of Girls . I wouldn’t be surprised if Driver repurposed this one for his own life, though.
Image: HBO
Sackler or Driver?
“I would rather do nothing for the rest of my life than have my name attached to something mediocre. Your integrity is all that matters.”
This is one of the early Adam-isms of Girls from Season 1, though I’m sure that Driver probably empathizes with this sentiment. After all, he passed on Girls the first time he read the script because he thought “TV was evil.”
Image: HBO
Sackler or Driver?
“I’m not such a big fan of having a linear answer to things.”
This sure sounds like something your flawed hipster boyfriend would say when we’s trying to avoid answering you, but lo and behold, this is a real Driver quote. He said this in a conversation with Entertainment Weekly in June 2013, and it seems to hold true to his interviewing style in general. You do you, dude!