15 Pieces of 'Sherlock' Fan Art That Are Gloriously Kooky & Awesome
Sherlock has been gone a long time. Two years. For a show as rabidly beloved by those who watch it as Sherlock is, that's a damn long time. Especially since we don't know when Season 3 will return. But the hiatus has also resulted in a little bit of cracky fandom fun to pass the time. Oh, did we say a little bit? We meant a deluge. A heaping frothy slashy ton. And the show's fanbase is glorious, and weird, and full to the brim with insanely talented people who have practically created an entire subculture of art around a show about a haughty consulting detective played by Benedict Cumberbatch and his grumpy Hobbit of a best friend, played by Martin Freeman.
That's right, friends: It's time to explore some of our favorite wacky Sherlock fanart. Don't even get us started on the .gifs.(Mostly Safe For Work? Probably?) Image: Twitter
Sherlock has been gone a long time. Two years. For a show as rabidly beloved by those who watch it as Sherlock is, that's a damn long time. Especially since we don't know when Season 3 will return. But the hiatus has also resulted in a little bit of cracky fandom fun to pass the time. Oh, did we say a little bit? We meant a deluge. A heaping frothy slashy ton. And the show's fanbase is glorious, and weird, and full to the brim with insanely talented people who have practically created an entire subculture of art around a show about a haughty consulting detective played by Benedict Cumberbatch and his grumpy Hobbit of a best friend, played by Martin Freeman.
That's right, friends: It's time to explore some of our favorite wacky Sherlock fanart. Don't even get us started on the .gifs.(Mostly Safe For Work? Probably?) Image: Twitter
Yes, that is Sherlock as a fish. Yes, it is called Tuna!Lock. And yes, there is more where that came from. Yes.
Image: Teabeforewar
"Dull," Sherlock sighs, standing naked like Aphrodite in a seashell, scarf blowing in the wind. Nothing to see here.
Image: Katzensprotte
See what we said about crazy amounts of talent?
And yes, that is John Watson as a hedgehog. Because what else would he be?
Image: Rlaum
Teddy bear murder.
Image: Ottery
Fawn!lock. It's a thing. If you're looking for NSFW examples, there are plenty.
Image: Bantambb
John looks appropriately grumpy to be wearing that outfit.
Image: Sashkash
Octo!John. So yeah.
Image: Choko17
Aaand again.
Image: Dyingbumblebee
Fawn!Lock meets Bat!John.
Image: Taikova
We don't even know.
Image: Barachiki
JurrasicPark!Lock melds the low-brow with the slightly-less lowbrow.
Image: Kriskenshin
John as Mulan, Sherlock as Mu-Shu.
Image: Hayamiyuu
John as a flower and Sherlock as the bee who wants to pollinate him.
Image: Practicefortheheart
Aaand again.
Image: Sandsapphires6
We had to show this one again because we love it. It's just so buxom.
To celebrate finishing this list, we recommend you go watch this video of Sims versions of John and Sherlock dancing to, of course, Scissor Sisters' dance classic "I Don't Feel Like Dancing."