12 Perfect Vice-President & Wannabe-President Pairings The Republican Party Should Keep In Mind For 2016
One of the most important choice a party's nominee makes when he or she runs for president? Who they'll pick as their VP. John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin pushed him further away from the Oval Office, while Mitt Romney's pick, Paul Ryan, was met with approval (albeit, not the ending either Romney nor Ryan wanted). And whomever earns the Republican nomination in 2016 will have an important decision to make: Who will be his or her vice presidential candidate?
It's important to strike a political balance, but also to have an intriguing duo that that will excite voters. Here's a breakdown of who the GOP presidential wannabes might pick as their sidekick.
Jeb Bush
Jeb doesn’t have much of a foreign policy background, so could use a strong VP to balance the campaign…
Condoleeza Rice
The former Secretary of State was a star at the last Republican National Convention.
Ben Carson
Something tells me that if Carson were to get the nomination (which he won’t), that he would do something a little crazy…
Sarah Palin
Chris Christie
The New Jersey governor is a bit of a hothead; only 36 percent of New Jersey voters think Christie has the right personality. He needs some balance.
Nikki Haley
The South Carolina governor is likable and has a good attitude.
Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother, so he’s absolutely eligible to run, but the only way to make sure there aren’t any of those pesky “birth certificate” problems…
Donald Trump
… is if he asks Trump, who came down heavily on Obama for exactly that, to be his right hand man. Shudder.
Carly Fiorina
There’s only one choice for Fiorina: Both women have been the CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Both have tried to run for a California office.
Meg Whitman
Maybe they could be the female power ticket for the 2016 race.
Mike Huckabee
If Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, she’d walk all over Huckabee. But we know what VP might be able to crush his opponent in a debate…
Bill O'Reilly
Plus, both men have worked for FOX News and know how to show off in front of the camera.
Bobby Jindal
Jindal isn’t the most exciting guy. He needs someone to liven him up.
Kelsey Grammer
How about the Emmy award-winning actor? Kelsey Grammar also so happens to be a Republican, and he’s even considering running for office before.
Rand Paul
OK, so this would probably never ever happen, but…
Ron Paul
Wouldn’t a father-son team be great to watch? It would certainly be the dream team for libertarians.
Rick Perry
To appeal to the whole spectrum of conservatives, Perry could nominate…
Rudy Giuliani
Perry is a traditional conservative Southerner, while Giuliani is the Northeastern Republican with more moderate views.
Marco Rubio
You know who decided he won’t run for president to make room for one of the younger members of the party?
Mitt Romney
This guy. Plus, he really worked hard to stage a comeback. Twice.
Rick Santorum
One guy has the name recognition to help him out. Plus, both men have policies from the 1990s…
Newt Gingrich
Scott Walker
Just imagine this duo from Wisconsin…
Paul Ryan
Ryan’s already got experience being the VP nominee, and the two would wow America with their Midwestern charm.