Beck At The 2015 Grammys Looks Exactly Like These 5 People
Perhaps the greatest relief of this year's Grammy Awards was that U2 did not take home the award for Rock Album of the year — Beck thankfully saved us from THE BAND WHO INVADED YOUR ITUNES WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. Way to choose a totally weird, consistently experimental artist. When Beck stepped on stage to accept his Grammy, I couldn't help but notice that the seemingly ageless rockstar might also be Dana Carvey incognito. Did Garth Algar just get a haircut? It turns out Beck is quite the chameleon since he looks like a handful of famous faces — some fellow musicians and some Internet celebs. Take a look.
Dana Carvey
Wes Anderson
As if Beck wasn’t the perfect soundtrack to all of his films anyway…
Michael Cera
Only skinny indie boys need apply.
Alex From Target
All the angst and awkwardness, but one-third the age!
Dominic Howard
Drummer for Muse or intergalactic rock artist? WHO IS THE REAL BECK?