9 Blizzard Of 2015 Memes That Summarize Your Feels

If you live on the East Coast, and decided to leave your house on Monday morning, you're probably already regretting it. Winter Storm Juno has amassed many names so far, from Snowpocalypse to Snowmageddon, and I'm not the only one complaining about the weather. Even celebrities have been talking about the Blizzard 2015, because it's going to make history. But, me, I think it should also make pop culture history. I mean, how often is a potentially landmark snowstorm named after a movie? Storm Juno is meme-worthy gold. I heard the cries that you guys weren't making, and I have answered those imaginary cries. It's time to meme the heck out of this storm.
When thinking up a good meme, you have to consider what movies are just perfect to describe our situation. Snowmageddon is a storm on par with Sharknado. It's winter, which means Frozen songs will abound. Plus, it's literally called Juno, like the 2007 film that put Ellen Page on the map. I literally couldn't have asked for a more perfect coincidence. So bundle up, settle in, cancel any plans that involve leaving your house, and scroll your way through these nine memes that perfectly capture how you feel about the storm.
This Is No Time To "Let It Go"
Take this storm back to Arendelle where it belongs.
Elsa's Christmas Present Came A Little Late
I hope she kept the receipt.
Disappointments Abound
It's kind of hard to build a snowman if you can't even get outside to touch the snow.
Warning: Plot Twist
I knew it.
I Mean, There's Only One Thing To Be Said
I'm sure she's, like, super sorry, you guys.
Proud Moms Will Be Proud Moms
Storm Juno tries really hard, actually.
Think Very Carefully Before Answering
I think Sharknado won this one.
Obligatory Kanye Reference
If Weather Forecasts Were More Honest
This is basically what you can expect from your day on Tuesday. Stay indoors, my friends. Stay. In. Doors.
Image: Kadeen Griffiths/Bustle