35 Photos Of Celebrities With Some Truly Crazy Hair — Who Pulled It Off?
There was a very brief period of my life where I had periwinkle colored hair. It was fun while the dye lasted, but upon further examination of my 'do, I realized that I was perhaps a little bit better suited for the blonder side of the color wheel. That's probably my craziest hair moment, and it doesn't come close to the extreme stuff that some celebrities do to their own 'dos. Whether it was a crazy cut, color, or even design, there are some celebrity hairstyles that made the world's collective jaw drop. But who pulled off the craziness and who looked just, well, crazy? Click through to find out.
Katy Perry
The “Dark Horse” singer has had every color of hair under the sun, but this My Little Pony-esque look was particularly memorable — even if it wasn’t a look one could keep up so easily.
Brad Pitt
Pitt’s a handsome man, so it’s no wonder everyone hated that he hid his face with this atrocious beard.
We’ve seen celebs rock two-tone ombres from top to bottom, but rarely does a star do half their head blue and the other pink. It works for the night, but unless Kesha planned on never parting her hair differently, this is one ‘do I’d skip long term.
Natalie Dormer
The Game of Thrones actress shaved half her head for her role in Mockingjay — Part I, and it only further proved that Dormer is stunningly gorgeous.
Helen Mirren
Whoooa. The 100 Foot Journey star rocked this bubblegum hue on the red carpet. That’s one way to hide greys!
Drew Barrymore
This 2009 look didn’t do much for the Blended actress, except maybe make it look like she accidentally dipped her hair in ink.
Lena Dunham
Fans were shocked when the naturally brunette Girls creator showed off this platinum hue, and, while her brown hair suits her coloring a bit better, it’s a cool look — even if her character Hannah doesn’t copy it.
Willow Smith
Remember how Willow Smith is 14 and still cooler than you? Just in case you forgot, here’s this photo.
Lady Gaga
Let’s face it — Gaga could have an entire slideshow of weird hairstyles. But this hair hat is particularly freaky. No thank you.
Perez Hilton
Did Lena Dunham borrow Perez Hilton’s haircut? I don’t know, but she’s certainly rocking it better than the blogger.
Kelly Osbourne
The Fashion Police host made going grey look gorgeous — just like she did for purple locks.
Adam Levine
Why does Adam Levine’s platinum hair make me so uncomfortable? I have no idea… but I hate it.
Nicki Minaj
I’m not really sure what the “Super Bass” singer’s “real” hair looks like, but it’s certainly not this neon cotton candy experiment… thank God.
Anna Paquin
The True Blood actress did the impossible with her hair by dyeing it this crazy-cool shade of midnight blue. I love it, but it must be nearly impossible to maintain.
Justin Bieber
Somehow the Biebs makes platinum hair look a whole lot better than Adam Levine did. (Who knew I’d ever give him so much credit?) Still, his sandy blonde ‘do suits him much better.
Joaquin Phoenix
This look was for Phoenix’s mockumentary I’m Still Here, and thank God — it’s the worst.
Jared Leto
The Oscar winner got a lot of Jesus comparisons for this hairdo… but you have to admit it looks pretty healthy!
How many Bump Its do you think Fergie has under there?!
Denise Richards
Richards could have gone a little bit easier on the hairspray, but it’s not exactly atrocious.
Gwen Stefani
Did the No Doubt songstress put a dollop of fro-yo on her head? Nope, just a front bun… which is apparently a thing. Not a huge fan.
Lauren Conrad
Speaking of huge, could The Hills star Lauren Conrad’s bun get any bigger? Girl’s neck must be exhausted.
Alicia Keys
I’m kind of obsessed with the “Girl on Fire” singer’s cool design on her scalp — it makes braids way more fun.
Scarlett Johansson
Just in case you thought that the Her actress never had a bad hair day, I present you with this photo.
Jessica Simpson
The black highlights. The super tight curls. The crazy tan job. It’s all just so very much.
Rachel McAdams
A for effort, McAdams, but the pink highlights are placed too randomly.
Miley Cyrus
Call me crazy, but I kind of love Cyrus’ crazy spiked hair — it just works with her red lips and fishnet top!
Natalie Portman
Portman shaved her head for a scene in V for Vendetta and kept the look for a long time. Luckily for the Oscar winner, she has the perfect facial features to pull off this look.
Avril Lavigne
The “Girlfriend” singer played around with some temporary colors in her blonde hair and shaved part of the side. It doesn’t look bad, but there’s a lot going on — I think I’d prefer it with maybe just one pop of color instead of two.
The “S&M” singer has tried more than her share of hair colors, but this fire engine red is perhaps the brightest. It’s not my favorite look on RiRi.
Emma Watson
Watson chopped her long locks post-Harry Potter, and it looked stunning.
Britney Spears
I know what you’re thinking: “Where’s the extreme look here?!” To me, Britney going brunette was one of the most extreme things the “Womanizer” singer could have done. We did all grow up with a blonde Brit, after all. Her hair looks okay, but the look isn’t particularly exciting.
Cassie may have pioneered the half-shaved look on the red carpet and it’s clear why — she looks super fierce.
Ashlee Simpson
In order to step out of big sister Jessica’s “shadow,” Simpson decided to dye her hair black and get an edgy, choppy cut. It actually looked pretty cool and went along with her tougher style — even if it was a clear attempt to separate herself from her famous sib.
Pink makes good on her name by going for this pastel-hued ‘do. Not sure I’m loving the super swirl thing going on, but, hey, at least the color is fantastic.
Anne Hathaway
I’m really into the Dark Knight Rises star's short blonde style, even though it didn’t last particularly long.