Who Is George Glass From 'A Very Brady Sequel'?
If you've been on the Internet in the past 48 hours, you're probably asking yourself, "Who is George Glass?" (He's the John Galt of Tumblr!) George Glass plays a central role in the Greatest Meme of 2015, "Sure, Jan." However, more specifically, he's a character in the 1996 comedy A Very Brady Sequel. While Jan and Marcia are fighting at the breakfast table, and Mrs. Brady pours an insane amount of sugar in her coffee, Jan makes up a fake boyfriend on the fly. She names him George, stares at a glass of orange juice and gives him the last name Glass. Thus, the world was given George Glass. According to Marcia, she didn't even know this "George Glass" went to their "sküle." However, the gods of grooviness were with Jan because, by the end of the movie, the REAL George Glass shows up and saves the day. FAR OUT.
While most of us may think Marcia's major shade in "Sure, Jan" is the star of the meme, it's really George Glass and all of his vessel-for-liquid charms that really steal the spotlight. Every once in a blue Tumblr moon, a hero rises. That hero is George Glass. Here's a little more about our enigmatic new subject of obesssion.
He's a Glass of Orange Juice
He's Also A Real Person
In Fact, There are Many George Glasses in the World
I wonder how many MORE globally...
He's Played by Michael Lundberg
Here he is, in all of his Jan Brady-loving glory.
The Actor Also Appeared in Who's The Boss?
In this very episode!
And Made a Very Special Appearance in Bridesmaids
Is it me or is George Glass the new Glen Coco?
Images: Jack Little/YouTube(2), msfoxxyify; pizza-is-ma-bae; tooquicheforthis /Tumblr