
Taylor's Shocked She's Starring With Meryl

by Lindsay Mannering

If you're surprised by Taylor Swift's role in The Giver, rest assured that you're probably not even half as surprised as she is. The 22-year-old singer/songwriter is one of the most famous and successful pop idols on the planet, yet she's dumbfounded when people cheer for her. Swift just cannot wrap her brain around the fact that people think she's talented, and that people like her music, and that people pay her millions upon millions of dollars each year to encourage her to keep up the good work. So now that she's going to star in a movie (a whole movie, wow!) with Meryl Streep (OMG, Meryl!) and Alexander Skarsgård (I loooove True Blood!), you just know she's freaking out.

But hey, as much as her feigned astonishment at, like, everything, gets under our skin, Swift's through and through a very talented musician and a downright fantastic role model. It's great she's branching out into movies (we're trying to forget Valentine's Day ever happened) and it's even greater that she'll be making a serious move to film with none other than Streep, who's arguably the best in the biz.

Because we couldn't be there when Swift was told the news she got the part of Rosemary, "the last teen mentored by The Giver before he meets Jonas," we have to imagine it went down something like this.

Tay was just minding her business, thinking about life, wondering about those things called boys ...

... when her manager came up and told her he had some good news:

He was like, "You got a part in The Giver!"

"And Jeff Bridges is in it!"

"And so is Alexander Skarsgård."

"But there's huge news. Huge."

"Meryl Streep is in it, too!"

But Taylor thinks...

But her manager is all like, "It's true! It's for reals."

"Oh! And Katie Holmes will be co-starring with you, too."

"Anyway, back to Meryl!"

"You're going to be movie stah, girl."

"You're probably going to meet some cute guys on set."

"So get yourself ready."

"It's time to turn you into a bonafide actress."

So, congrats, Taylor. We're actually pretty excited for you. I mean, yeah. Excited.

Heart you, too, girl.