
Dr. Drew's Been Harboring a Very Big Secret

by Alanna Bennett

It seems to be a week full of news of celebrity health problems. While Jon Hamm's throat polyps can (fingers-crossed) be fixed with a simple outpatient surgery, however, cancer tends to be a little more complicated. Dr. Drew Pinsky revealed his struggles with prostate cancer in a recent interview. But while it was definitely a hard time, he's now made a complete recovery.

The discovery came after a nasty bout of chills a couple years back — Pinsky thought he'd contracted some tropical fever from a vacation to the Caribbean — that sent Pinsky to the hospital. That led to a biopsy, which led to the discovery of prostate cancer.

"Lo and behold, I have cancer," Pinsky said in an interview with People. "I was doing Lifechangers and my HLN show was going. My wife and I had this great relationship, very active sexually. This could screw everything up. It was a terrible feeling."

The floor goes out from under you. It's like: Oh, crap, I don't want to deal with it. It took me about a year to get used to the diagnosis. But by the time I went to surgery after my third biopsy, I said, 'It's time. Let's get it going.'

Pinsky is known as a doctor whose career has been focused heavily around doling out advice on sex and addiction, so it fits that he'd be so open when it came to the former. Luckily for everyone, he made a relatively quick recovery, telling only close friends and family about his illness and returning to work only 10 days after prostate-removal surgery.

"I'm cancer-free," he said. "The erectile function is normal, sex drive is normal, bladder works normally. And I don't have to worry about prostate cancer."