17 Celebs Who Waited Tables Because Jon Hamm as Your Waiter Would Be a Gift From Heaven Above
Imagine sitting down to a nice meal at Red Lobster, and who waltzes up to take your order but Nicki Minaj? While that notion would probably only make sense in a super bizarre dream at the present moment, plenty of your favorite celebs waited tables in their broker and simpler days. After all, before the shine comes the grind...
'Cause everyone's gotta serve somebody at one time or another, here are 17 celebs who worked as waiters and waitresses to make ends meet before they made it big.
Amy Adams
I swear this is true. Amy Adams worked as a waitress at Hooters when she was 18 years old. Now, just keep that in mind the next time a little cousin forces you to watch Enchanted.
Sandra Bullock
Bullock worked as a hostess, bartender, and waitress when she was starting out. Actress Jennifer Coolidge, who was incidentally one of Bullock’s co-workers, said the Miss Congeniality actress was a hit at the restaurant. “She was actually the hostess and I was the cocktail waitress. She ended up getting my shifts because I had such bad attendance,” Coolidge told The Talk.
Nicki Minaj
Minaj got fired from her serving job at Red Lobster for chasing after a customer who took her pen. ”I like dealing with people, but I don’t really like a lot of bullsh–,” she told GQ, “so maybe customer service wasn’t the best job for me.” Happy to hear that she’s still Dear Old Nicki.
Lady Gaga
In a 2009 profile in New York Magazine, Gaga recalled her first job as a waitress at a diner in her Manhattan neighborhood. With the money from her paychecks, she bought a Gucci bag to keep up appearances with her wealthy school peers at the prestigious Upper East Side private school “Convent of the Sacred Heart.”
Mariah Carey
It’s hard to imagine Mimi serving anyone, but she began her career as a waitress/coat-checker in New York right after graduating high school.
Julianne Moore
In an interview with the Daily Mail, Moore remembered her early days as an actress where she waitressed at night to pay the bills. “I’m a worker,” she says. “I was a good waitress, because if you ask me to do a job, I’ll do it, no matter what it is.” A born hustla’, this lady.
Renee Zellweger
According to her IMDb page, the Bridget Jones actress worked as a cocktail waitress in an Austin, Texas strip club before making it big. Oh, lawdy.
Kathy Bates
Goddess and virtuoso Kathy Bates worked as a singing waitress on a Catskill resort in the early days of her career. I’m sure she was consistently employee of the month.
Jennifer Aniston
In a 2011 interview with Marie Claire, Aniston dished on her early days as a so-so server. “I wasn’t a good waitress, but I was told that I was very nice and charming, so people liked me anyway.” I can see that…
Jon Hamm
When he first moved to LA in 1995, he lived with five other young actors and worked as a waiter to make ends meet. It’s safe to say that his tips were likely very good.
Russell Crowe
Before he was a reputedly loose-cannon actor, Crowe worked at a diner in Sydney, Australia in his youth. I would request to never be seated in his section for fear of being yelled at.
Chris Pratt
In 2013, Pratt told David Letterman that he worked at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. for a year. I can imagine that he’d be extremely pleasant, charming, and would likely prompt my mom to remark “What a nice young man!”
Naya Rivera
Just like Adams, actress Naya Rivera paid her dues as a Hooters girl. I wonder if she actually enjoyed the wings.
Chris Rock
Rock has riffed on his short stint as a waiter at Red Lobster in his stand-up. “The thing about Red Lobster is that if you work there, you can’t afford to eat there.” He’s said. “You’re making minimum wage.”
Sarah Silverman
The uproarious and fearless Sarah Silverman was a cocktail waitress at a Mexican restaurant called La Cantina.
Kristen Wiig
As she told The Guardian in 2011, Wiig used to work as a waitress at the cafeteria in Universal Studios. Started from the bottom, now she here.
Amanda Seyfried
At 17, Seyfried’s first job was as a waitress in a retirement community. I’m sure she was a hit with the olds!