Justin Bieber Unfollowed Selena Gomez on Instagram

Well, it happened you guys. I mean, if you've been following Selena Gomez's career — as far as interviews are concerned — then you already knew that Gomez and Justin Bieber have broken up, hopefully for good this time. At the very least, their on-off relationship is set to the off switch right now, despite the fact that she has very fond memories of her time with him. She even released a song called "The Heart Wants What It Wants" that she admitted was about Bieber — that's true love right there. However, it now looks like that love doesn't flow both ways because Bieber has unfollowed Gomez on Instagram. I don't know if an Instagram unfollow is as serious as defriending someone on Facebook, but it still says pretty conclusively that the person in question doesn't want to see you pop up on their newsfeed anymore.
According to Just Jared, this shocking twist was noticed by fans on Wednesday when they saw that the number of people that the Baby singer follows had dropped from 44 to 45. With such a low number of family and friends being followed by him to begin with, it probably wasn't that hard to figure out who was missing. (For the record, Gomez only follows seven Instagram accounts currently and none of them are Bieber.) It's probably not a coincidence that his abrupt decision to stop following her comes the week after she released "The Heart Wants What It Wants", is it?
Although Gomez said that Bieber had complimented the song (despite his jealousy of her attractive video co-star Shiloh Fernandez), the fact of the matter is that it's still an homage to how unhealthy their relationship was. With lines like "there's a million reasons why I should give you up" and "this is a modern fairytale, no happy endings," Gomez is clearly singing about the fact that despite the Jelena relationship coming with some very low lows and tumultuous feelings and stress and trouble, well, the heart wants what it wants. And don't even get me started on that painful intro or the part in the video where she breaks down in tears. My heart was aching for her, you guys.
So, yeah, even though Bieber thought the song was "beautiful," that was before it was released to the public. Now that it's out in the world and Gomez is doing press for it, there's a good chance he might not feel as warmly about it as he did before. The thing about releasing something like this out into the void is that it takes a personal experience and opens it up to judgment. There were many Gomez fans who listened to the song when it came out and blamed Bieber for hurting their idol to the point of recording the track.
Of course, there's always the chance that the track had absolutely nothing to do with Bieber's decision to unfollow Gomez. They clearly aren't together anymore, so this could be Bieber's way of healing from that. After all, it's hard to move on from an ex if you're constantly in the position to stalk them on social media. There's also a rumor that Bieber is dating Kendall Jenner, because any time the pop star and any female close to his age are in the same place at the same time then a new romantic connection is formed in the gossip mill. Gomez had a falling out with the Jenners that led to her unfollowing them (and numerous other people) on Instagram, so the Biebs could have unfollowed her out of new loyalty to them.
Whatever true reason he had or didn't have for this action, it's really suspicious timing for him to do it so soon after the release of "The Heart Wants What It Wants." As in, it's early enough that my response to this news was, "But the bed's getting cold when he's not here!" I guess we'll see if Jelena's latest break up — and this latest social media snub — is the final nail in the coffin of their relationship or if we're all going to ride this carousel again into infinity and beyond.
Image: YouTube