17 Photos of Drake Being Adorably Nerdy
Many-a-fan knows Drake as a dripping-with-swag rapper, but I've always known him as the wheelchair-bound angsty teen Jimmy Brooks on the Canadian melodrama Degrassi . There's a sensitive, hard-working high schooler with a heart of gold behind those YOLO eyes. Despite the fact his new tracks show off his darker side, he still hasn't completely shaken the nice guy image... yet. His guest spot on the new Nicki Minaj single "Only" is probably the most vulgar we've ever heard him. Wait. Hang on. I think we might actually be losing the Drake we have come to know and love! Do we like this? I'm not so sure yet.
Before Drake completely drops his sweet persona, let's revel in these 17 pics of him looking equally nerdy and adorable. Swoon.
Consider me jealous of whoever left that smacker there.
Mall shopping
Please tell me that’s an Old Navy tech vest.
I’m not really sure how he’s sitting, but I’m not mad about it.
Tee Hee
You just made a joke and then made yourself laugh, didn’t you, Drake?
Kissy Kiss
I think Boys II Men trademarked that move.
Are you fanboying?
A cable-knit sweater AND sunglasses? Too much, Drake, too much.
Fight or Flight
Come at me bro! JK JK.
Derp a derp derp.
Drake Who?
Drake dressed up like Lenny Kravitz for Halloween, presh!
Goody Two Shoes
This says, “I did all of my homework, but I’m also a popular jock.”
Mountie Goodness
Drake is Canadian. GET IT!?
Good boy
He finished all of his veggies, clearly.
Flying High
No, no. Thumbs up to YOU, Drake.
Oh Drake, we all know everyone looks terrible in fedoras. It’s OK though, you’re still cute.
So Awks
Awkward Aziz Ansari hugs!!!
I mean