The Women of Burning Man 2013: Portraits on the Playa
To document my first-ever week at Burning Man, I took portraits of friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers. (That's me at left.) The costumes and face paint helped make the portraits interesting, but that few people felt the urge to put on a fake smile is what made the project a success. These are their faces.
To document my first-ever week at Burning Man, I took portraits of friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers. (That's me at left.) The costumes and face paint helped make the portraits interesting, but that few people felt the urge to put on a fake smile is what made the project a success. These are their faces.
Ruby. Mother of two, registered RN.
Couple from Santa Monica.
Lexi at 2:00 & Holy.
Brittany at 2:00 & Holy.
Girls at Center Camp.
Dena. She works at the "More Cowbell!" Bar
Just-engaged couple. He asked her to marry him the day before this photo was taken.
Woman at Center Camp during a concert.
Woman with rainbow umbrella.
Girl at Center Camp.
Lizzy outside the Temple.
Couple in line for coffee.
Woman with parasol.
Strangers. They met about 15-minutes prior to this photo.
Mother and daughter. They run a zip-line behind Center Camp.
Woman behind "Woman". One of the most elaborate costumes I saw: a moving, prosthetic woman affixed to a real woman.
Two women at Center Camp.
Woman watching the Burn.
Brittany. Last day, caught in a dust-storm.
Self-Portrait with gray hair. Heading home.