High-End Emoji-Inspired Pieces To Make You Smile

Embrace it or don't: Emojis are kind of having a moment. They're everywhere, from the your college's latest dorky theme party to your favorite TV show, and they're kind of the it-Halloween costume this year. You know all your cool-girl friends are either going as the sassy "bitch, please!" emoji or the ever-popular poop emoji — they might even go the extra mile with an emoji couples' costume. They're oft-lauded, oft-ridiculed, oft-flipped-out-about — they're pretty much oft everything, and now the powers that be are moving them into a whole new plane: The high-fashion plane, to be specific.
I mean, emoji T-shirts and plasticine emoji earrings are one thing, but now things are going seriously high-end, guys. I'm talking gorgeous leather clutches that price in at over $500 and terry cloth loafers in the $300-plus category (whew!).
While I might not be shelling out the big bucks anytime soon (not until I sell my as-of-yet-nonexistent screenplay for a cool million, at least), it sure doesn't hurt to look. Well, it hurts a tiny bit, since there's now a leather emoji clutch-shaped hole in my heart — but still: pretty expensive things are... well, pretty! So with that in mind, why don't we take a look at the very cutest, very latest emoji-inspired fashion.
Joshua Sanderson
Very emoji-approved (insert misuse of the winky-faced emoji here).
Anya Hindmarch
Looks just like everyone's favorite underrated emoji: The googly side eyes!
How else will the emoji pervade our pop culture? I guess we'll have to wait and see where they pop up next!
Images: anyahindmarch, glamourmag/Instagram