
30 Old Photos of Daniel Radcliffe That Show How Much The Former Wizard Has Changed

Are you ready to feel old? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone hit theaters an astonishing 13 years ago. The film, which was based on the first novel in J.K. Rowling's fantasy series, introduced us to who would become one of the world's most iconic characters, the titular boy wizard, played by then 11-year-old actor Daniel Radcliffe. The 25-year-old has certainly changed since he first started Hogwarts, and these photos prove it. Check out the 30 photos of a young Radcliffe that will make you nostalgic for the early '00s.

by Kaitlin Reilly

Baby Potter #1

This is a still from Radcliffe’s audition for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone . Though he didn’t audition wearing Harry’s signature glasses, he nailed the role and scored the part of a lifetime.

Image: YouTube

Baby Potter #2

By the time Radcliffe walked the red carpet for the Sorcerer’s Stone premiere, he was a bonafide celebrity.

George De Sota/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #3

By the time he walked the red carpet for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, he was more popular than the PSL in October.

Junko Kimura/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #4

Radcliffe channeled Michael Jackson for this airport stroll.

Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #5

The oversized coat only emphasizes how young Radcliffe was in this photo.

Lawrence Lucier/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #6

He’s way too young to wear a tie, right?

John Li/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #7

Showing off the baby blues with a matching shirt.

Scott Barbour/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #8

Remember when this hair was all the rage? And when people used to say things like “all the rage?”

Scott Barbour/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #9

The wizarding trio channels a casual vibe for this pic.

Steve Finn/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #10

Radcliffe is having a great time over at MTV.

Scott Gries/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #11

He probably didn’t know someone was taking this picture.

Jo Hale/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #12

Radcliffe really wanted you to buy the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban DVD.

Scott Barbour/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #13

Radcliffe rocks an eclectic style off the red carpet.

Francois Durand/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #14

Is he making eyes at Vanessa Lachey?

Peter Kramer/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #15

Loving the pink tie.

Francois Durand/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #16

You know, you really don’t see oversized green velvet suit jackets anymore.

Chris Harding/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #17

The girl on the left is throwing a ton of shade at this camera.

Kristian Dowling/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #18

Potter shows off a dapper side on the red carpet.

Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #19

He’s a pro by now at waving at fans.

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #20

Here he is mid-laugh.

Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #21

Maybe he’s headed to a white party.

Koji Watanabe/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #22

Here he is giving a wave to his many, many fans.

Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #23

Going classic on the carpet.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #24

Here he is saluting the camera.

Peter Kramer/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #25

A young potter flashes the camera his movie star smile.

Junko Kimura/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #26

He’s not so into smiling in this one.

Junko Kimura/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #27

The polka dot tie is a great touch.

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #28

Chuck Bass?

Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #29

Radcliffe gets his much-deserved handprints.

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Baby Potter #30

The former child actor looks every bit a movie star in this photo.

Jorge Herrera/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images