15 Stars Who Prove Even Hollywood's Leading Men Have Bad Hair Days
One of the things that makes us all human is our ability to have terrible hair days. And celebrities are no exception to this rule. There are certain celebrities who may cringe at photos of their previous hair styles, and for good reason — compared to their other hairdos, these are pure hair don'ts. (That pun was completely necessary.) Check out these photos of celebrities on their worst hair days... and the improvements they made later. Because there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Bad Hair Day: Brad Pitt
Never forget.
Better Hair Day: Brad Pitt
The awkward mustache is still so upsetting, but his hair looks amazing. Let’s hope the bleach didn’t permanently damage his locks.
Bad Hair Day: Justin Timberlake
I’m sorry, but there’s no way that those curls were natural.
Better Hair Day: Justin Timberlake
Styled, well-coiffed, and goes perfectly with his tux.
Bad Hair Day: Taylor Lautner
Lautner was a child of the early 00s, which meant tossing an extreme amount of hair gel through your hair was an automatic style.
Better Hair Day: Taylor Lautner
Still a fan of the gel, but his hair is much more cooperative.
Bad Hair Day: Joaquin Phoenix
To be fair, this was during filming of I’m Still Here, a mockumentary in which Phoenix intentionally made himself look crazy.
Better Hair Day: Joaquin Phoenix
You clean up well, Phoenix.
Bad Hair Day: Johnny Depp
If his Pirates of the Caribbean co-star Keira Knightley can wear a chic brunette bob, so can he.
Better Hair Day: Johnny Depp
Still edgy, but definitely an improvement.
Bad Hair Day: Robert Pattinson
Pattinson invented bedhead for men.
Better Hair Day: Robert Pattinson
No shame in this hair game.
Bad Hair Day: Axl Rose
I’m not such a big fan of these copper-toned dreadlocks.
Better Hair Day: Axl Rose
This terrible hat is still better than the previous style.
Bad Hair Day: Kellan Lutz
According to a young Kellan Lutz, the higher the hair, the better.
Better Hair Day: Kellan Lutz
His hair looks much better a little closer to his head.
Bad Hair Day: David Beckham
Fabio? Is that you?
Better Hair Day: David Beckham
Nope, just hot soccer star David Beckham.
Bad Hair Day: Jared Leto
Leto looked like half of the kids in my ninth grade class.
Better Hair Day: Jared Leto
Leto has the world’s most perfect ombre. I dig it.
Bad Hair Day: Billy Ray Cyrus
No. So much no.
Better Hair Day: Billy Ray Cyrus
Umm, depends on your definition of better.
Bad Hair Day: Rob Lowe
Lowe had bangs. Tell your friends.
Better Hair Day: Rob Lowe
MUCH better.
Bad Hair Day: Leonardo DiCaprio
To be fair, I’m mostly focused on the beard.
Better Hair Day: Leonardo DiCaprio
Save for the hair during his Titanic days (I fell in love with Leo whenever his hair fell into his eyes) this is DiCaprio’s best look by far.
Bad Hair Day: Jack Black
Come on, man, you can do better than this. You don’t have to live in the movie Year One.
Better Hair Day: Jack Black
Slow clap for slight improvement.
Bad Hair Day: Donald Trump
Better Hair Day: Donald Trump
Nope. Never mind.