'Below Deck's Kate Chastain is the Best Person on the Boat And Here Are 11 Irrefutable Reasons Why
We're only three episodes into Season 2 of Below Deck , and it's already clear who the real star of Below Deck is: Kate Chastain. As chief stewardess, it's Kate's job to make sure all of the charter guests' demands are met, no matter how ridiculous or obnoxious they may be.
But Kate does her job, and she does it well too, often with a side order of sass. With her talent, hilarious sense of humor, intelligence, and confidence, not only is Kate running the Ohana, but she's also running the show itself. Here's what makes Kate a welcome addition to Season 2 of Below Deck.
Image: Virginia Sherwood/Bravo
She's a good leader
Kate gets stuff done, and it’s because she knows how to delegate. Napkins need fancy folding? Here’s a book on how to do it, Kat. Guests need entertaining? Andrew, throw on some skimpy clothing and dance. Need the negativity to go away? Suck it up and keep working, Kat. Ah, it’s good to be in charge.
Image: Virginia Sherwood/Bravo
She's creative
When you’re out at sea, you can’t always provide for every charter guests’ whim. Luckily, Kate is a master at improvisation. We all saw how she whipped up a mojito for a guest without having any of the typical ingredients at hand. A little basil here, a dash of mint extract there. No one could tell the difference, right?
Image: Virginia Sherwood/Bravo
Her dog is adorable
Can we kick Andrew off the boat and bring Kate’s dog on board instead? Pretty please?
Image: kate_chastain/Instagram
She knows how fierce she is
Kate’s leadership style and attitude may rub some people the wrong way, and she knows it. She has a self-proclaimed “resting bitch face.” How very self-aware. Kate knows what she wants and knows who she is, and if you don’t like it, there’s the porthole.
Image: Virginia Sherwood/Bravo
She smiles when she wants to... so never
You gotta love a girl who doesn’t care what other people think. During last Tuesday’s episode of Below Deck, the charter guests asked Kate to smile. She usually has more of a frown on her face because she’s making sure they have a magical experience on the boat, but whatever. Kate took that little nugget of advice, but she’s going to smile when she damn well pleases, thank you very much.
Image: Virginia Sherwood/Bravo
She has a good sense of humor
Kate’s loaded with one-liners on Below Deck, but you’re never quite certain if a reality TV show cast member is genuinely funny since the producers could be feeding him or her lines. But Kate also brings her dry sense of humor on Twitter, so I will choose to believe that she’s a natural comedian.
Image: Kate_Chastain/Twitter
She's not Adrienne Gang
No offense to Kate, but anyone would have been an improvement over last season’s chief stewardess Adrienne, who not only showed her inexperience but was also extremely condescending to her crew. Here’s to Adrienne not being on Season 2 of Below Deck. Oh wait a minute…
Image: Justin Stephens/Bravo
She documents weird mailboxes
Kate recently started a photo series called “Coastal Postal” where she takes pictures of unique mailboxes that she stumbles upon along the coast. It’s weird, but I support whatever floats Kate’s boat.
Image: kate_chastain/Instagram
She knew Andrew was lying
Everyone on the Ohana couldn’t believe that Andrew fibbed on his resume about his experience in yachting. Everyone except Kate, that is. She knew from the minute she met Andrew that he didn’t know his way around a yacht. Vindication always feels good.
Image: Tommy Garcia/Bravo
She's hitting it off with Ben
One of the crew members Kate has gotten closest with on the Ohana is Ben, who is one cool bloke. Kate and Ben seem to have a similar sense of humor and temperament, so it’s no surprise that they’re hitting it off so well. If only Ben didn’t have a girlfriend and there wasn’t the whole love triangle thing between Kate, Ben, and Kat, I would totally ship this couple.
Image: Virginia Sherwood/Bravo
She loves Cat Deeley
Kate recently tweeted, “I watch #SYTYCD just to see @catdeeley’s outfits and listen to new music. The dancing is simply a cool bonus.” Not only am I instantly a fan of anyone who watches So You Think You Can Dance, but seeing one reality star admire another is always a beautiful thing.