She's Determined to Beat Cancer

Last Sunday night's episode of Return to Amish was a hard one to get through. After some indication in previous episodes of the season that she would have another health scare, Andrew's girlfriend Chapel revealed that her cancer had returned. The entire Schmucker family was of course devastated by the news, but Andrew took this as an opportunity to finally propose to Chapel at the end of the episode.
Unfortunately, Chapel declined his offer, but based on some recent Facebook photos, it's only a matter of time before she says "yes." Her reasoning was that she didn't want her illness to hold Andrew back from living his life. With Andrew by her side, it's been a long cancer battle for Chapel thus far, and it doesn't look like it is over just yet.
Chapel was diagnosed with bone cancer in late 2011. She was in remission for about a year, according to the message Chapel posted on the online fundraising website YouCaring.com, asking for donations to help cover the cost of her medical expenses. "[W]e had a happy year full of joy [sic] love and smiles but it all came crashing down went in for a routine checkup only to find out my bone cancer has came back but only it came back as lung cancer deff not the words I wanted to hear," she wrote. However, this season of Return to Amish was filmed this past winter, so it seems like the message on YouCaring.com is referring to a separate occasion since the campaign ended in December 2013, which makes the whole thing even more heartbreaking.
On the bright side, Chapel has gone back to work, which she said she had been unable to do while undergoing her cancer treatments in her note. According to Chapel's Facebook profile, she now works at a Denny's in Pennsylvania.
Unfortunately, there are also a few status updates on Chapel's Facebook Timeline that may indicate she is experiencing more health problems, according to Enstars. On June 13, Chapel posted, "Another trip to the Hillman," referring to a cancer treatment center in Pittsburgh. The following day she wrote, "Haha turns out we are all alone" and "I feel so defeated."
Fortunately, Chapel sounded like she was in a lot better spirits later in the month. On June 22, she wrote, "[sic] plz don't be sad for me be brave with me, ill always fight I won't stop till this monster is gone from inside me," on the Facebook fan page for herself and Andrew. She also wrote, "[sic] I FIGHT THIS FIGHT FOR NOT ONLY ME AND MINE BUT ILL FIGHT FOR ALL OF YOU ... ALL OF OUR FANS MEAN SO MUCH TO ME THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART" in a status update dated June 26.
It's not often that you find someone as soft-spoken and sweet on a reality TV show as Chapel, and we admire her bravery for sharing her cancer battle with the world. Here's hoping she'll be restored to full health soon.
Images: TLC, Andrew and Chapel Schmucker - Return to Amish/Facebook