The Actress In The Coolatta Ad Looks Familiar...

Whenever I see that Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta heat lamp sunburn TV spot, my inner monologue goes something like this: Dunkin' Donuts ads shouldn't air in Dunkin'-less cities (e.g., Los Angeles). It's too cruel. Augh the things I'd do for a Coolatta. Those sugar bombs are so good. How long would it take to get a sunburn like that from that lamp? Seriously, why isn't there a Dunkin' Donuts in L.A.? Aren't we supposed to get a Dunkin' soon? Did I leave the oven on? Dang, that not-sunburned lady is in so many ads.
So who is the not-sunburned lady? The very funny Ingrid Haas! Like I said, she's been in a ton of commercials. But that's not all! She's in a bunch of Funny or Die vids, is one half of comedy duo Charity & Chastity, is an Upright Citizens Brigade performer, has been on the Chelsea Lately Round Table, is in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Dead Snow: Red vs. Dead , and is a Hello Giggles contributor. Haas is hustling! (Haas-tling?)
OH. I almost left out maybe her most exciting credit (IMHO): She was on Season 8 of Degrassi. As you may recall, aspiring model Mia (Nina Dobrev) macked on another model at a model party. That model was Haas. SHE WAS ON DEGRASSI. Degrassi > everything.
How many commercials has she been in? I don't have a number for you. I apologize. Here are just a few of her ads:
Dunkin' Donuts

It bears repeating: Coolattas are so good.

Well, if that isn't just the cutest road trip playlist!
Samsung Galaxy

"You're out of matches in the bathroom."
Pizza Hut

Great. Now I'm craving a Coolatta and Pizza Sliders. Somewhere, Don Draper is laughing at me.
Image: Dunkin' Donuts