'22 Jump Street' vs 'Neighbors': Which Is Bawdier?

Will Smith may have had the blockbuster summer movie market cornered in the '90s, but Channing Tatum has become the king of delightfully naughty summer entertainment. It started back in 2012 with the Holy Grail of Cinema, Magic Mike, it continued on in 2013 with This is the End (his cameo was certainly the most memorable), and now carries on this summer with the hotly anticipated sequel 22 Jump Street . Channing Tatum may be one of the sweetest and likable guys in Hollywood, but his R-rated movies make him a delectable, bawdy bad boy on the big screen. Case in point, the latest NSFW red band trailer for 22 Jump Street . (Definitely going to want to plug those headphones in if you're at work)
When Tatum — who plays an undercover college student in the follow-up to 2012 hit 21 Jump Street — isn't shouting lines like "Spring break, motherfucker!", he's pouring beer on his head, giving his partner in crime (Jonah Hill) a hard time, wearing shirts that say "Sun's Out, Guns Out"), and making dick jokes. Yet, he still seems like the most adorable and fun guy. That's the power of the ChanMan for you. Watch the latest 22 Jump Street trailer here:
But Channing isn't the only good boy gone bad to look out for this summer. In fact, former Disney star turned homina-homina-homina sex symbol Zac Efron could give him a run for his money. While the expletive-laced red band 22 Jump Street trailers look like a hilarious, albeit pretty politically incorrect time, the shirtless Zac Efron and his band of noisy frat boy brothers hell-bent on making their neighbors' (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) lives a living seem like the kind of troublemakers Channing Tatum would be out to arrest. In the two red band Neighbors trailers we've already seen — among other hilarious atrocities — dildo fights, frat party debauchery, a baby accidentally eating a condom, ball jokes, interrupted sexytimes between Rogen and Byrne, and, hey look at that, more Dave Franco. Watch the latest one below:
Alright, so who will be the real hottie bad boy of summer: Channing Tatum or Zac Efron? Based on the trailers alone, it looks like Efron has the slight edge, but we'll only know for when both Neighbors and 22 Jump Street hit theaters, on May 9 and June 13, respectively. But, no matter who comes out victorious in this deathmatch, we're all the real winners here.
Image: Good Universe/Universal Pictures