Kevin Spacey's Career as Told by... Bunnies?!

This is all sorts of delightfully weird and wonderful that we're not going to question a second of it. Not a second! Because Kevin Spacey made a video, you guys. About his life. As told by bunnies. Kevin's Spacey's life as told by cartoon bunnies. The perennially talented actor and director is also the first one to not take himself so seriously, even if the rest of us Frank Underwood obsessives might do otherwise. Which is why we can't get enough of the animated bunny version of the House of Cards star.
A collaboration with Angry Alien Productions, the actor does voiceover work that finds him waxing nostalgically about his career thus far — and only takes :30 seconds to do it. Impressive! — and includes stories relating to his longtime correspondence with Katharine Hepburn, and the time his dog peed all over Jack Lemmon‘s golf bag. Woops!
On the actor's website, he posted the following context alongside the clip:
You have to understand a few things about my life before watching it. First I started acting when I was very young. Played Captain Von Trapp in my high school production of the Sound of Music; which co-starred the great actress Mare Winningham (St. Elmos Fire), who one night got very ill and threw up in my Captain's hat. I also used to go to the theatre regularly and once waiting for Katharine Hepburn after a performance in a play and she and I would begin a correspondence that lasted for years. Later when I met and worked with Jack Lemmon, he had his agent bring his prized golf bags from Los Angeles to Washington, DC - where we were performing Long Day's Journey into Night at the National Theatre; and when his agent stepped out of the car, I was out in front of the hotel walking my dog - Sleight - and while we were talking my dog pissed all over Jack's golf bags. This became a running joke between us that lasted for years. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little video of my life. I've done some of the voices, which have been bunnified.
Anyway, watch the video. It's a delight:
Image: Angry Alien Productions