Signs It Might Be Time to Walk Away From Your Job

When you first started your career, you probably knew exactly how you wanted it to go. While things might not always work out the way you want them to, it's important to know when you need to walk away from a job when it no longer meets your professional or personal goals. In addition, you should also be aware of how your current position affects your health. Even though some positions might require extra hours at the office, you don't want to neglect your well-being for the sake of the company.
"When [our] clients complain about feeling perpetually tired, we often shine the light on their current job. Fatigue is the body’s way of saying, 'That’s enough!' It’s one thing to put in extra time when you’re working on a special project or covering for a colleague, but being constantly overworked, stressed or unduly burdened can take a toll on your physical and emotional well-being. If you can work with your boss to come up with solutions and implement changes, that’s great. If not, it may be time to move on to a job with a more palatable workload," says CEO and founder of Jody Michael Associates Jody Michael.
While not every job is perfect, you want to find and work for a company that can satisfy most of your needs and wants. But if you're not happy at your company anymore, here are 19 signs that show it might be time to walk away from your position and look for another job.
1. It's Been Three Years Or More Since You've Been Promoted
"Every organization is different and certainly as you climb the ranks you won't be promoted as often, but as a junior to mid-level employee, it's common to be promoted every one to three years. If you're seeing people around you [get] promoted and you're standing still, it's either time to bring it up with your manager or look for opportunities elsewhere," says career coach Kim Wensel in an interview with Bustle over email. It might be time to look for a new job if you notice that everyone else is getting promoted besides you. Ask for feedback from your boss and see how you can fix certain problem areas. If your supervisors don't give you an adequate answer, then find a new job ASAP.
2. There Aren't Any Opportunities For Growth
It's time to leave your job if your company doesn't have the means to allow you to grow. It's not worth to stick around in a company when they can't help you grow professionally, especially if you're an asset to the company. "This could mean vertical growth to a more senior position or growth in terms of learning and engaging in new challenges. If you feel stuck in a holding pattern, where you constantly feel bored and disengaged, it might be a sign you've outgrown your position. If there's no opportunity to move up, it's probably time to move out," says Wensel.
3. You're Treated Poorly By Your Supervisor Or Co-Workers
They're no reason why you should be treated poorly by your fellow employees or boss — no matter what the circumstance might be. It's important to feel respected at your job so you can produce the best work possible. "We've all been in positions where we don't get along with our boss or colleagues, but it's a whole 'nother scene when we're blatantly disrespected or disregarded. This can wreck havoc on your mental health and no job is worth emotional distress to that degree," says Wensel.
4. You Don't Want To Do The Work Anymore
While you might not have this feeling all the time, for the most part, you should feel inspired while you work at your job. If this feeling doesn't change, and it affects your work, you need to talk to your boss or find a new job that will make you feel inspired again. "There are times in your career when you'll realize the path you once chose is no longer what you want to be doing. This is common and means it's time to think about a career transition. Be intentional about the change by connecting your interests, skills, and values with opportunities out there," says Wensel.
5. You Don't Feel Challenged Anymore
A job should challenge you for the better. While you don't want to feel constantly stressed, you do want the work to help you grow on a personal and professional level. "Feeling bored and uninspired means that the current job position may not be offering enough of a challenge. Re-evaluate [your] goals and if the job does not align with them, it is time to look for something new," says CMO and co-founder of Wirkn Todd Dean in an interview with Bustle over email.
6. You're Feeling Mental & Physical Stress
A job is not worth the stress if your health is being affected. There are plenty of workplaces out there that care for their employees. You want to work for a company that not only cares about your professional life, but your well-being as well. "Walking into work should not bring on a feeling of nausea and panic. An unhappy professional existence can affect individual’s physical health and well-being. If [you don't feel] physically well, unhappy at work or regularly stressed out, it’s time to take a hard look at the work environment and other options," says Dean.
7. Your Change Of Responsibility Doesn't Fit With Your Goals
Let's say your responsibilities have changed, but they don't meet your goals anymore. Why should you tolerate these changes when they only benefit the company and not your personal growth? Talk with your boss to see if anything can be switched around, and if not, it might be time to look for a new job. "A change in responsibilities can be experienced, whether an increase or decrease. This happens all the time in companies where the changes, such as an acquisition, might not lend to personal goals. Be sure to gauge whether these new responsibilities are best for personal growth," says Dean.
8. The Expectations Of Your Position Are Not Being Met
It's really unfortunate when you work for a company that doesn't deliver on their promises. The requirements of the job should be clearly outlined by your boss beforehand. You should no longer work for a company where you feel like your boss takes advantage of you 24/7. "Employees need to know why they are there, what they are supposed to do and should be excited to do it. If the role and expectations are not outlined properly, this could be a sign that better management is needed," says Dean.
9. Your Job Doesn't Allow You To Have A Personal Life
Let's be honest: Some jobs tend to require employees to work crazy hours. And while this can happen every once in a while, it shouldn't affect your personal life on a weekly basis. "If [you're] constantly torn between work and a personal life, this could mean that the current job does not support a healthy work-life balance. Assess [your] priorities and if unable to make a compromise, it may be time to change jobs," says Dean.
10. Your Job Doesn't Align With Your Long-Term Goals Anymore
It's time to fly the coop if your current position no longer aligns with your long-term goals. You usually want to continue to grow in your career and if your company doesn't meet your goals, then it's time to say bye. "If you’re new to the workforce or making a career transition, you’ll find that some unglamorous jobs will be necessary steps toward your dream job. In these instances, it’s best to learn as much as you can, while keeping the bigger picture in mind. However, if you can’t stand the thought of having your boss’ job, then it’s time to start searching for other work that better aligns with your long-term job goals," says career advice expert for TopResume Amanda Augustine in an interview with Bustle over email.
11. You No Longer Fit With The Culture
Don't stay with a company if their culture doesn't align with your values. The type of environment you decide to work in can affect how you do your work, especially if you don't feel comfortable there anymore. "Cultural fit is key when it comes to finding the right job. You could have all the right qualifications, but if you don’t fit in with the team, then you ultimately won’t be successful. If you and your current company don’t see eye-to-eye when it comes to core values, the work environment, and leadership style, it might be time to move on to a team that does," says Augustine.
12. The Company Is Failing
Sometimes companies have rough patches and that's OK if they're trying everything to fix their problems. But it's not a good idea to stay with a company if they choose to act like everything is fine when clearly it's not. "If the company is not meeting its goals by a long shot, you’re losing faith in management’s ability to turn things around, and company morale is at an all-time low, take it as a sign to start brushing up your resume," says Augustine.
13. You're Making Less Money In Your Department
It's normal for employees to have a different salary from one another, but it doesn't make sense if the salary range is drastically different for no apparent reason. "Finding out that you are making less money than others in the department for no reason," says career coach Jill MacFadyen, MSIR, ACC, in an interview with Bustle over email.
14. You're Being Harassed
There's absolutely no reason why any employee should be harassed at their current position. Period. If you feel like you are, it's time to talk to HR about the situation ASAP. Don't put up with something if it seriously affects you as an individual, especially if the company believes it's completely normal to have that type of behavior in the office. Ideally the situation needs to be changed in the office, and you shouldn't have to leave if you're the one that feels harassed. You want to work in an environment where the company doesn't tolerate harassment and eliminates it immediately. "Harassment of any kind that continues and is ignored by management," says MacFadyen.
15. You're Being Set Up To Fail By Management
While no one wants to feel paranoid at their job, you also need to be realistic if you feel like you're being set up to fail at your current position. "One client reported that he was given a difficult project with a short deadline and found out that a counterpart was given a similar project two days earlier with the same deadline. My client probably rightly felt he was being set up to fail," says MacFadyen.
16. You're No Longer Being Viewed As Part Of The Team
It's awful when you feel like an outcast at your own job, especially when it wasn't like that once before. This type of situation can prevent you from doing your best or make you feel inferior compared to everyone else. "Your not being invited to meetings, being left off e-mails, being spoken over at meetings, [or your employees and boss are completely silent] when you enter the room," says MacFadyden.
17. You Don't Have A Healthy Relationship With Your Boss
While you don't need to be best friends with your boss, it's important to have a respectful relationship with him or her. There needs to be trust and you need to feel valued as an employee. "On a day-to-day basis, your relationship with your immediate boss can have a tremendous impact on your job satisfaction. Does your boss treat you with respect, showing concern for both your professional development and personal well-being? It might be time to look for greener pastures if your boss never seems able to make time for you, micromanages your work, plays favorites or blocks your visibility to other departments or upper management," says Michael.
18. You're No Longer Producing Quality Work
It's important to produce quality work, but you most likely can't when you feel bored or burnout. No longer putting your all into your work can not only hurt your future endeavors, but your current position as well. "When you experience boredom, apathy or disinterest in your job, it shows in the quality of your work. Underperformance can not only impact your current job; it can also pose a risk to your long-term career trajectory. Consider whether there are ways to make your job more interesting, rewarding or meaningful. You may be experiencing burnout or, on the other extreme, perhaps you’ve outgrown the job," says Michael.
19. Your Ideas Are Too Big For The Company
It's really horrible to be in a position where your company can't produce your ideas because they're too grand. If you feel like this is a constant occurrence and you believe it's holding you back, it might be time to look for a new job. "Feeling like you’re spinning your career wheels and getting nowhere could be another sign that it’s time to leave. Office politics, corporate budget cuts or lack of opportunity with your current employer may be hindering your ability to advance your career. While it’s unreasonable to expect a promotion every time you feel you deserve one, it’s equally unfair to yourself to stay in a job where you’re working below your potential," says Michael.
You shouldn't stay at a job if you're not happy. If you feel like you're experiencing some of these things at your current job, then it might be time to spruce up your resume and find a new position.
Images: Pexels