The numbers are dwindling on The Bachelorette, but that doesn’t mean that JoJo’s decision gets any easy from here on out! She met the families of her remaining lads — Jordan, Robby, Luke, and Chase — and I have to say, I think that it may cause her to have a mini breakdown. Everyone has expressed that they’re in love with her or at least falling for her, and JoJo doesn’t seem like she’s good at breaking hearts. Who makes it to JoJo’s fantasy suite dates on The Bachelorette ?
The fantasy suites are a big deal — you get one whole night alone with a contestant without the cameras. Sure, sex is implied, but many Bachelors and Bachelorettes use their time to just talk and get to know someone without having five extra people standing around, looking at them. It’s the next step of intimacy on The Bachelorette, and JoJo needs to pick the right men to bring along on her journey. I think Jordan is a lock, and I think Robby is safe. But will Chase or Luke get sent home? Honestly, I can’t bear to see either of them leave, because they both seem to care for JoJo so deeply that someone’s heart is going to be smashed to bits when she gives her answer.
Not that JoJo is taking this lightly — she was in a near panic when the last elimination ceremony came to. I think she’s really afraid of making a mistake, and she’s also afraid of breaking a heart. When Ben Higgins told two people (including JoJo) that he was in love with them, JoJo was the one that got left on the side of the road. Because she knows what that feels like, she doesn’t want to do it to someone else. So whom will JoJo choose for the fantasy suite? I can hardly wait to find out.
Images: Veronica Gambini/ABC