On Thursday, a gunmen reportedly opened fire at a popular movie theater in Viernheim, Germany at 3 p.m. local time. According to Reuters and the Associated Press, the shooter has been killed by authorities. Thankfully, they are reporting no serious injuries from the attack at the Kinopolis cinema complex, which is not far from Frankfurt. Previous reports that up to 50 people had been injured appear to have been incorrect. According to The Guardian, the gunmen was masked and carrying a gun. It was also reported that he took hostages, all of whom escaped uninjured. It's still not confirmed what the unidentified gunman's motives were.
Photos taken at the scene show heavily armed police standing outside the cinema complex, and tweets from the movie theater show astonishment and disbelief over another shooting.
Viernheim, which is about 19 square miles, is located in Germany's Hesse region, and is about 45 miles south of Frankfurt. The midsize town is home to 33,000 people, according to the town's website. According to CNN, the busy cinema complex, which is in a major shopping center, sees 20,000 visitors daily and is home to over 100 businesses. It is still unclear how many people were inside the movie theater during the attack.