These Nick Jr. Shows Are So Timeless

Oh, childhood. Whether you preferred to eat Lucky Charms cereal, grilled cheese, Kraft macaroni and cheese, or just grabbing a Lunchable, odds are you're reading this article because you had one thing about your childhood that was definitely the same as mine: watching Nick Jr. shows. Before you were old enough to really appreciate the regular Nickelodeon shows like Hey Arnold!, Rugrats, and The Amanda Bynes Show, your parents probably had you tune in to Nickelodeon in the morning for the kid-specific programming. Nick Jr. shows throughout the years have been full of lovable characters, life lessons, and helping to teach you skills before you have to apply them in the classroom, so it's no wonder there are some you, in turn, want to share with your children.
The really special thing about children's shows is that they hold a sense of innocence, and they manage to point out the obvious flaws in character that adults sometimes grow immune to. Not all of the kids' shows of today reflect the same values and formats of the kids shows from the past. So, instead of letting the past fade into the background, here are some of the shows I think we should all share with the next generation of kids. If you're planning on becoming a parent, these are the Nick Jr. shows you want to bring onto their radar.
1. Blue's Clues
This show has to be one of Nick Jr.'s most memorable. Between the educational clues and Steve's stripped green shirt, you just had to know what would happen next. Plus, with Blue being a girl and Magenta being a boy, this show was seriously ahead of its time with regards to busting gender stereotypes.
2. Franklin
If you're a bit of an outsider or an introvert like I was growing up, then you know just how relatable Franklin can be. The turtle had a caring group of friends around him that consisted of all different kinds of animals, but he often found himself hurt, lonely, and left out. Franklin is the perfect show for teaching your kids about accepting one another, talking through your problems, and always being true to yourself.
3. Gullah Gullah Island
This show was nothing but pure joy and fun. Sometimes, all parents and their kids want is an escape. With the help of cartoon palm trees, a welcoming, friendly family, and some catchy tunes, this show was probably one of the least annoying kids' shows for parents to sit through. In fact, I think my mom found it quite enjoyable.
4. Dora The Explorer
With a vast majority of the United States now speaking Spanish, Dora The Explorer could be the perfect show to help give your kids a jump start on their language studies and understanding of other cultures. If your kids watch it at a young enough age, they may just get excited about things like packing their backpack for school and learning what a map is — outside of the app on your iPhone.
5. The Backyardigans
With so many apps and video games, the next generation of kids is missing out on a vital part of growing up: playing outside. In this show, four friends teach kids just how valuable using your imagination can be. The show is all about fun, history, and exploring. And if those aren't all things that kids should be embracing, then I don't know what is.
6. Oswald
I have to admit, this was one of the weirder shows on Nick Jr. A walking octopus with a pet dog and a flower friend in world full of strange objects can be kind of confusing. But the show's kind, nurturing spirit may be just what you need to calm down your screaming child. I don't what it is, but Oswald just makes me feel safe.
7. Bob The Builder
"Can we fix it? Yes we can!" Truer words about problem solving have never been spoken. Even if you don't think your kid is going to grow up to be the "building"-type, there's definitely something to be said about a show based around facing your problems and finding a way out of them. Tool boxes come in many forms.
8. Max and Ruby
If you have more than one kid, this is the show you're going to want to get on your television. These bunny siblings may have not had any visible parents, but they had no problem taking care of themselves and each other. Max and Ruby taught kids how to share and care for each other, just like families should.
9. The Wonder Pets
Forget about cats and dogs, The Wonder Pets were the smaller, yet still just as cool, pets for you to hang out with a kid. Their singing was adorable, their adventures were timeless, and they prompted my brother to get a hamster growing up. If you're not an animal person, but your kid is, this could be the perfect show to show them.
10. Little Bear
Little Bear will always hold a special place in my heart. While the characters all being friends may be a bit confusing at times — such as a bear and a snake, or a bear and a human — that's exactly the subtle commentary that kids need in a children's show. Little Bear taught kids to not judge others and to be friends with everyone. In doing so, you never know what amazing adventure you might find.
11. Maggie And The Ferocious Beast
If only we could all take a trip back to Nowhere Land. Escaping the everyday struggles of the harsh world by dealing with simple issues like finding all of Beast's spots and packing a picnic basket teaches children about appreciating the simple things in life. Plus, if your kid picks up on saying, "Great Googly Moogly!," they may just be the coolest kid on your street.
The best part is that Nick Jr. was just one of the many children's channels that provided an array of memorable kids shows for you to enjoy — and now share with your kids. So, get teaching.
Images: Nick Jr.