All You Need To Know About Ariana's Video Co-Star

Not to steal the shine from Ariana Grande on the release of her new music video, but, um... Yeah, no, I'm going to do it anyway. It's not personal. I actually quite enjoy the vid. It's just that the entire time I was watching it, I could only think about one thing: Who is the guy in Grande's "Into You" music video? Yes, I'm sure you were wondering, too. I don't blame you, the motorcycle riding, dreamy looking dude who ate junk food and made out with the singer is kind of hard not to take notice of. To whoever casted him, A+, bravo, thank you kindly.
Being that I am a curious gal, I did some digging to try and find out who this mysterious handsome fellow was. Luckily for all of us, I did, in fact, get to the bottom of it. As it turns out, Grande's love interest in her "Into You" music video is not only a looker, but a man of many talents. His name is Don Benjamin and according to his Twitter bio, he's a recording artist, model, and actor. Though, you know, the whole model part isn't exactly shocking.
Here are some things to know about Benjamin, in order to get better acquainted with the dude who stole the show in Grande's "Into You" music video.
He Was As Jazzed As You'd Expect Him To Be About The "Into You" Vid
Obviously, it's kind of a big deal.
His Music Is Super Catchy
And, if you're into it, you can buy it on iTunes.
His Modeling Career Is Going Well, Thank You
Like, really, really well.
He's Definitely Into The Comedic Side Of Acting
If this Instagram short is any indication.
On The Personal Side Of Things, He's An Animal Lover
So many brownie points.
He's Family Oriented
Making the rest of us look bad with our lackluster Mother's Day shoutouts. Damn.
And He's An Expert At Taking A Selfie
Do filters even matter at this point? The answer is no. No, they don't.
You're welcome for the further knowledge on Benjamin. So, so welcome.
Image: ArianaGrandeVEVO/Youtube