Never have I ever loved James Corden more than I do right now. During Monday's broadcast of The Late Late Show With James Corden, Tom Hiddleston made an appearance, alongside Silicon Valley's Thomas Middleditch. Just having T. Hiddles there in body is enough, but when Corden brought out Jack Hanna, who also happened to be holding two baby leopards, well, it turned an already amazing moment into something beyond spectacular. In what is most definitely not an impossible task, picture Tom Hiddleston holding a baby leopard. Did you just get chills due to the cuteness? Well, it's about to get even cuter, because I decided to make gifs of Hiddleston holding the baby leopard.
It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. Plus, this is just my way of not only giving a gift to myself, but also doing a good deed for the day. I mean, who doesn't want to look at a bunch of gifs of T. Hiddles cuddling, petting, and gushing over a baby leopard? Obviously, this has been a lifelong dream of mine and I'd like to thank Corden for bringing it to life.
Prepare to *swoon* over Hiddleston and the cutest baby leopard you have ever seen.
1. Here's When He First Received It
What a glorious first meeting.
2. Here He Is Confused About What To Do With It
Keep it, Tom. Keep it.
3. Here He Is Embracing It
At this moment, Hiddleston uttered these exact words: "So sweet."
4. Here He Can't Stop Petting It
I can't.
5. Here He Is Laughing At Thomas Getting Bit
That laugh always gets me.
6. Here Is Looking At It Longingly
Just like anyone who stares at Tom.
7. Here It Is On His Face
The baby leopard just loves him that much.
8. Here Is Their Family Picture
That. Smile.
9. Here It Is Crawling All Over Him
Yep. The leopard is a huge fan.
10. Here It Is Grasping Onto Him For Dear Life
11. Here He Is Cradling It Like A Baby
Stop it.
12. Here It Is Exploring
Or as Tom said, "It's like an adventure playground."
13. Here It Is Exploring, Again
And Tom is just so chill about it all.
14. Here He Is Wanting Some Penguin Action
The leopard just isn't enough.
15. Here's The Penguin Wanting Some T. Hiddles
16. Here It Is Snuggling Tom
Who doesn't want to nuzzle Tom?
17. Here He Is Replicating The Lion King
The winning gif.
Clearly, Hiddleston had a blast as he tweeted Monday night:
If you want more, watch the video in its entirety here. FYI, it features six minutes of Hiddleston and the baby leopard. Six. Minutes. Seriously, thank you, James Corden.
Images: CBS (18)