
What Happens When Couples Are Handcuffed For A Day

by Kristen Sollee

If you're married, in an LTR, or just really into your latest squeeze, you know what it's like to be addicted to your partner's company. Maybe you Snapchat all day while you're at work, maybe you drive an hour out of your way to meet for lunch, and maybe you spend every night spooning, but how would you feel being handcuffed to your partner 24/7? A new Buzzfeed video recreates a real life ball and chain scenario, and the results aren't so romantic.

Those who are super attached types might be thinking: what could possibly be bad about being all up in my boo's business for an entire day? And yes, for some couples, it just might be your kink. For everybody else, however, spending every waking (and sleeping) minute with your S.O. would be a bit like this video. Cute for a little bit, then uncomfortable, then frustrating, then awful, and maybe back to cute again. After all, most therapist-approved lists of "ways to have a great relationship" include both spending quality time together and quality time apart. So kudos to this couple for making it through 24 hours side by side, because most folks just weren't built for this kinda closeness.

Images: BuzzfeedYellow/YouTube