How To Participate In Fashion Revolution Week
Do you have any idea where even a single piece of the clothing you're wearing right now came from? If your answer is "no," I would urge you to participate in Fashion Revolution Week. This revolution's goal of making consumers care where the heck our clothes come from might not seem like a big deal, but it could literally save lives.
Fashion Revolution Week started on April 18 and goes until April 24. It emerged nearly three years ago after the tragic Rana Plaza factory collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh that killed 1,134 people on April 24, 2013 working to produce those oh-so-cheap fast fashion steals we buy without thinking.
As explained on, "On 24 April every year, Fashion Revolution Day brings people from all over the world together to use the power of fashion to change the story for the people who make the world’s clothes. We want fashion to become a force for good. We believe in an industry that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure ... And it starts with one simple question: 'Who made my clothes?"
Fashion Revolution provides several downloadable links on "How To Be A Fashion Revolutionary," and I'm breaking down the easiest way below:
1. Snap A Pic Of Your Clothing Label
Flip your shirt (or whatever) inside out and make sure it's front and center in the pic.
2. Upload Onto Social Media
Instagram is my personal social media obsession, but Twitter and Facebook will work, too!
3. Ask The Brand #WhoMadeMyClothes?
Fashion Revolution specifically recommends the caption:
"Hi [@Brand], #WhoMadeMyClothes?"
Pressuring brands to be upfront about their supply chains is the only way we can make informed choices as consumers to support brands that genuinely care for and protect their workers and the environment. Your shopping choices literally protect or endanger others' lives... Don't you care which?
Images: Lindsey Rose Black