Thomas & Landon Got Close On 'Southern Charm'

Of all the random relationships that Southern Charm has showcased during the past two seasons, none were as odd as the seemingly spontaneously close friendship that sparked between Thomas Ravenel and Landon Clements. During the Southern Charm Season 3 premiere, fans were suddenly thrown into this world where these two hang out alone and help each other decorate. Don't worry, I was as confused as you were. They seemed vaguely flirty, and it had many viewers scratching their heads. Since sexy time is a full time hobby for most of this cast, have Thomas and Landon slept together?
Well, let's get one thing straight. It's really none of our business whether two single, consenting adults sleep together or not. If they decided to have some fun together and chose to share it with the world then that's all well and fine, but we honestly are not owed the hairy details. But, if I am purely speculating, then I have to say that I got a vibe from them both that something may have occurred behind closed doors. I am well aware that two people from the opposite sex can have a platonic friendship, but they seem different to me.
One moment during the Season 3 premiere that had fans speculating was when Thomas told a very pregnant Kathryn that he had chosen to paint their daughter's nursery periwinkle instead of pink. The camera immediately cut to Landon wearing a periwinkle dress and Kathryn let him know that things looked fishy. Of course she accused Thomas of allowing Landon to decorate their child's bedroom and all hell broke lose between them. This alone is not exactly the smoking gun for a budding romance between Thomas and Landon but then he brought it back up in a response to a fan on Twitter.
Why bring this back up? Maybe he wants to keep the speculation alive to keep things dramatic? I'm not sure, but Landon even brought it up again on her page.
Then there's this tweet from another fan that Landon chose to retweet on her own page.
Why would she retweet this? They have the same devilish grin possibly because they are all kinds of sweet on each other. I'm just sayin'. This seems like a pretty saucy thing to retweet. Especially if you are maintaining that you are just friends.
Again, whether they have actually slept together or not is really none of our business. He wasn't together with Kathryn at the time and was free to see whoever he pleases. While I don't think he and Landon would be a great idea, it's ultimately not my call. I guess we will just have to see what fresh drama Season 3 brings as the episodes continue to air
Image: Charles Sykes/Bravo