Happy April Fools' Day From 'GoT's The Mountain

On Game of Thrones, one of the most violent, vicious villains is Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane, played by actor Hafthór Júlíus "Thor" Björnsson. He's the brother to The Hound and killed the hottest character ever, The Viper. But IRL, the 27-year-old, six-foot-nine Björnsson is a pretty cool guy. He's one of the strongest men in the world, used to be a professional basketball player, and is practically a modern viking. And now he's even got a fake brand of water for April Fools' Day: Heavy Bubbles. In a new faux ad, which premiere on Friday, Björnsson teaches you how to be like him by drinking the sparkling water that comes not in liters or ounces but in kilos, two, five, and 10, so you can exercise by carrying the dumbbell-shaped bottles around in your daily life. If only the product were real, because Game of Thrones devotees are amazing consumers.
If there's one thing I love it's sparkling water, but if there's one thing I abhor it's weightlifting, and even my pants were charmed off by this weirdly endearing commercial. If it wasn't obvious enough by his name, Björnsson is majorly Icelandic, and his thick accent giving you fitness advice as he soaks in a tiny bathtub is pretty adorable. He extols the virtues of hydration and exercise combined, and the simple idea is actually pretty smart: buy Heavy Bubbles, and you have on hand at any time a makeshift dumbbell for when you're trying to get "swole."
Unfortunately, Heavy Bubbles is not available anywhere, not even Amazon, because like GoT, it's a fantasy (or, more accurately, an April Fools joke put on by SodaStream). It could be a real sign, though, that on the HBO show, which comes back for its sixth season on April 24, The Mountain isn't going anywhere. Last season he was resurrected as the Kingsguard Ser Robert Strong, and if The Hound isn't dead, either, that means that Cleganebowl could be on the horizon.