Trent Harmon Shakes Things Up On 'Idol'

Who better to mentor the Top 4 Idol contestants than one of today's greatest? Sia brought her amazing talent to the final season of American Idol to help the final 4 find their unique sound using her songs. One contestant who certainly did that, and showed a completely new side of himself, was Trent Harmon. Harmon impressed everyone in the Hollywood Rounds when he performed the group rounds solo due to a case of mono. He's been a strong contestant ever since, but has yet to do anything groundbreaking to really get the buzz going. That is, until tonight. Harmon's performance of Sia's "Chandelier" was mysterious, emotional, and all-around completely beautiful — and it's exactly what he needed to do to put himself back on the map.
It's no secret that the talent on this season of Idol is pretty great. All four of the finalists are completely different, yet completely awesome at what they do. At this point, the contestants need to do something really spectacular to stand out. And Harmon did that tonight. America is used to hearing the 25-year-old singing more upbeat, pop/rock hits on the Idol stage. While he still sang a popular hit, he did a completely dialed down version of the song. Seriously, it was a version of "Chandelier" that has never been heard before. Harmon's version of the hit was powerful in the quietest way possible. His delivery had me hanging on every word and, admittedly, gave me the "goosies." It was such a departure of what we're used to hearing from Harmon, and it's exactly what he needed to do to get a leg up in this game.
Harmon's new style definitely helped increase his chances of going home with the final Idol title. He was able to prove to America that he can sing literally anything that's given to him — and that's no easy feat. Of all the contestants, Harmon has the most well-rounded talent and the most experience. He seems to be the obvious choice for the title, but there are three other artists in his way. If he continues to shine the way he did tonight, a win may still be in Harmon's future. It's all up to America now.
Image: Ray Mickshaw/FOX