The #AerieMan Campaign Is Awesome

UPDATE: Aerie has announced that the #AerieMan campaign was a parody video released for April Fool's Day. Rachel Champlin, a spokesperson from #Aerie, told ATTN, "#AerieMan was not a prank but rather an opportunity for us to raise awareness about body positivity."
EARLIER: Major breakthroughs have been reached in the fashion world lately when it comes to achieving a mindset of healthy body image, such as plus size model Ashley Graham landing on the cover of Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit issue, and Barbie being redesigned to portray a wider range of more realistic sizes. This is all amazing news that should be celebrated, and one brand is furthering the conversation even more. Aerie's #AerieMan campaign, which is for the brand's new underwear line, tackles the issue of male self image in an incredibly awesome and refreshing way.
The campaign includes a short commercial that focuses on four men of fairly diverse body types and personal styles. As the men proudly flaunt their bods while dancing in polka dot and leaf covered undies, they discuss what makes them feel good about themselves, all summing up to one main concept — the real you is sexy. How's that for an empowering slogan?
"I don't mind that I won't be retouched, everyone should be comfortable in their own skin" says one of the models, while another adds, "I think a lot of people don't like the airbrushing and Photoshopping and they enjoy just to see what's real." This feels like a natural extension of Aerie's previous #AerieREAL campaign, which promoted women's raw, unedited beauty.
Let's take a look at #AerieMan's most awesome moments.
1. Doug Hanging Out Outside In His Boxers
"I've always liked being in my underwear, it just makes me feel more free." You and I both, my friend.
2. Kelvin Posing In The Mirror In Boxer Briefs
I am totally digging his self confidence.
3. Devon Eating Grapes & Dancing In Marijuana Leaf Undies
The ultimate form of self expression.
4. Kelvin Checking Out In His Behind
There's nothing wrong with loving your own body.
5. Doug Doing Yoga In His Flexy Undies
Flex + sexy = flexy.
6. Matt Hanging A Photo Of Himself In Boxers
Keep the self-love flowing.
Check out the full video for all the goodness.
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Images: American Eagle Outfitters/Youtube (8)