Wondercide From 'Shark Tank' Is Perfect For Pets

I love my pets more than some people love their human children, and that means I'm constantly paranoid that something terrible is going to happen to them. So when it came time to spray for bugs earlier this year, I kept my dog out of the kitchen for days so that the pesticide couldn't hurt her, even though it's supposedly safe after a few hours. But what if you didn't have to worry about those kinds of chemicals hurting your pets, because they weren't harmful to them? On Shark Tank , Wondercide aims to answer that question, and the company may actually have a really profitable idea on their hands.
Wondercide makes a line of pet-friendly pesticides and pet care products, made with natural ingredients that can't hurt our furry friends. They offer everything from flea and tick medication to toys and treats, plus ways to protect your home and yard from bugs, roaches, and all kinds of creepy crawly things that you probably don't want near you or your cat. And now that they want to expand their business, and since these are products I'd use but totally didn't know existed, I think that's definitely a good thing.
Click Here To Shop The Wondercide Collection
So what about Wondercide will make them want to invest? Here's everything you need to know.
It All Started Because Of A Dog
As she explained on the company's website, founder Stephanie Boone started Wondercide after her dog, Luna, almost died from a bad reaction to flea and tick medication. She realized there had to be a way to keep animals from suffering side effects with natural products, and she was right. Seems like a pretty good source of inspiration!
You Can Already Buy Their Products
Everything they offer is on the Wondercide website, and if Amazon is more your thing, the products are for sale there, too.
They Sell Stuff That's Good For Humans, Too
That includes skincare, soap, and insect repellant. If you're trying to transfer to an all-natural, chemical-free lifestyle for you and not just your pets, this is a good place to start.
You Can Try Samples If You Aren't Sure You Want To Buy
Click Here To Shop The Wondercide Collection
Their travel and sample section covers almost all of their products, and it's a good way to try them out before you commit to a full-sized order. Most of them are under $5, so it's not a bad price, either — and they're perfect for using on the go.
If it will save pets' lives, I hope Wondercide is able to get the funding they need from the sharks. It seems like an awesome product!
Image: Michael Desmond/ABC