About That 'Allegiant' Ending...

Even if you don't consider yourself to be a major fan of the series, it's hard not to be intrigued about the last movies in the Divergent franchise. Over the last few years, it's established itself as one of the biggest series around, thanks to its all-star cast, led by Shailene Woodley; high-powered action and scary dystopian plots; and of course, the love of millions of viewers, who've driven the movies to be box office successes. And now the second to last installment, Allegiant, is here — and even those who aren't massive Divergent series fans will be talking about the Allegiant ending.
Of course, the conclusion of the film, out Mar. 18, isn't quite as exciting as the end of the next movie, Ascendant , will be, as that upcoming film will close out the series with some major surprises, revelations, and even deaths. Yet that's not to say that Allegiant's ending is boring, because believe me, it's filled with drama — all of which I've outlined for you below. Here's how The Divergent Series: Allegiant ends — this should go without saying, but plenty of spoilers ahead!
Tris Goes To Rescue Four, Who's Captured In Chicago
A bit of backstory: the government, led by a leader called David, has a dangerous plan to release a memory-erasing serum into Chicago that'll restore peace, but destroy people's identities. Four and Tris — who are in a fight, as Four always thought David was evil but Tris refused to believe it — want to stop this, but don't yet know how. Four leaves for Chicago, where he's captured and arrested, while Tris stays in the city. The movie's finale truly starts when Tris, along with Christina and Caleb, realize that Four is right and go to rescue him. They steal a plane, and while it's shot at, Tris manages to make a (relatively) safe landing. She and Christina go to find Four, while Caleb stays in the plane, using its technology to find the source of the ventilation system so they can hopefully stop the serum from spreading.
David Puts A Plan In Action
In the hopes of having the serum spread quickly through Chicago, David enlists Tris' frenemy Peter to help, by having him go to Chicago and convince Evelyn, one of the leaders, that it needs to be used. Although Evelyn is initially resistant, she becomes OK with it after using a sample of her serum on her ex-husband, Marcus, as a form of punishment. She agrees to David's plan and goes with Peter to activate the serum, which starts spreading throughout the city.
Peter Escapes, But Shoots Evelyn
When Tris, Four and Christina finally find Peter, they hope to get him to stop the attack, but even if he wanted to, there'd be no way — the serum is already spreading into their room. Peter opens the door and escapes, but not before shooting Evelyn. The others get out and form a plan.
Tris Shuts Off The Source & Confronts David
Tris runs through tunnels, using Caleb's instructions to find the source of the ventilation system and turn it off. She's confronted by a hologram of David, who tells her to stop fighting because she has no shot — but she finds a way out and shoots at the tower holding the system, stopping the serum from spreading. David is not too pleased.
They Inform The City Of The Truth
Once everything is settled and Tris is back with her crew, she tells Chicago that there is an entire world outside, informing them of all she's learned since heading over the wall.
What happens next? You'll have to wait until Ascendant comes out in 2017 to find out.
Images: Summit; Giphy