'Fuller House's Pilot Calls Back To The Original

The world waited with bated breath for the arrival of Netflix's Full House reboot Fuller House . And, now that the spinoff has premiered, fans have been watching the episodes with eagle eyes to spot all the nods and references to the original series. Comparing the Fuller House pilot to the Full House pilot proves that the writers totally understand the role nostalgia plays for fans, and those in charge deliberately called back to some key moments in the new reboot. It made it even more special that most of the same cast returned to Fuller House.
There were definitely a handful of moments in just the premiere alone that referenced the 1987 original episode. Although, I admit I was sad to see that the Full House pilot shows John Stamos arriving in his first scene to silence instead of the familiar, "Wooooooooo!" that can be heard when ever he appears on screen in later episodes, as well as the reboot. Apparently as viewers we just didn't initially grasp the full magnificence of Uncle Jesse. That lapse of clarity aside, let's take a look at the Full House pilot moments that Fuller House brought back in subtle ways for their own pilot.
Sharing A Room
Full House started with Stephanie and D.J. finding out that they would be sharing a bedroom from then on. Fuller House shows them reminiscing about their time sharing that bedroom, calling back to where the original series began.
Epic '80s/'90s Shirts
When we first meet Uncle Joey in the Full House pilot, he enters the Tanner house clad in a ridiculously gaudy shirt and continues to rock them throughout the series. The Fuller House pilot has a similar moment where Joey emerges from the basement holding an awful '80s shirt he had left in a closet.
Death Of A Parent
Both of the shows have followed the similar format of having one parent pass away. In both cases, the subject is broached right away in the pilot. Danny has to comfort D.J. about the loss of her mother in Full House and D.J. comforts her baby boy while wondering how she will be able to raise him without her late husband. It's heavy subject matter, but they both handle it well.
Two Move In
In Full House, Danny's brother in law (Uncle Jesse) and best friend (Uncle Joey) move into the house to help him raise his kids alone. Fuller House riffs on this same plot by having D.J.'s sister (Stephanie) and best friend (Kimmy) move into the same Tanner household to help D.J. with her own family. Shenanigans ensue!
Elvis played a huge role in Full House because Uncle Jesse was completely obsessed with him. In the Fuller House pilot, they payed homage to this by having Tommy Jr. Wearing an Elvis costume. Uncle Jesse approved.
Cartoon Voices
Joey breaks out the cartoon impressions right off the bat in both pilots. Why won't he let Bullwinkle fade into obscurity? The world may never know.
The Flintstones Singalong
The most obvious homage to the Full House pilot was the collective Flintstones theme song lullaby sung by the cast around Tommy Jr. (It was originally sung to baby Michelle in Full House). They even did a split screen while the scene played out, which was a nice treat for fans of the original.
All in all, Fuller House is keeping with the same format but trying to forge their own story. They are doing an amazing job with giving little nods to the original. I mean, seeing a grown up Stephanie say, "how rude" is one hundred percent worth its weight in gold.
Images: Robert Trachtenberg/Netflix; Giphy (6)