Here's a question most millennials will know the answer to: Where can you go when the world don't treat you right? The answer is "hooooome. That's the one place that you'll find 7th heaven." Of course, I'm quoting the theme song to 7th Heaven . The family-friendly show was a staple in my tween years. Considering it lasted for 11 whole seasons, I'm guessing I'm not the only one who adored the series. On Friday night, some of the 7th Heaven cast reunited at Jessica Biel's soft launch of her restaurant Au Fudge. Her TV sister, Beverely Mitchell, shared a group shot with the following caption:
So much fun supporting our girl @JessicaBiel on the launch of her amazing new restaurant @aufudge! Love these people like family! #nothinglikefamily #7thheavenforever #aufudge #familyfriendly #getfudgedup
It's like she took the hashtags straight out of the aforementioned theme song: "There's no greater feeling than the love of family." I'm getting nostalgic just thinking about it! Along with Biel and Mitchell, their TV mom Catherine Hicks attended, as well as their "siblings" Mackenzie Rosman and Barry Watson. Missing from the group are David Gallagher and the twins, Nikolas and Lorenzo Brino. Also noticeably absent is Stephen Collins, which isn't too surprising, given the shocking allegations that surfaced against him in 2014.
On a more positive note, this cast photo will instantly transport fans back to the early 2000s. It's seriously heartwarming to see that they still think of themselves as the Camden family all these years later.
I've gotta say, "when I see their happy faces, smilin' back at me..." I immediately want to go re-watch the entire series. It's crazy to think some of the cast members are all grown up with families of their own now. After all, Biel is married to Justin Timberlake and they have their son, Silas. Meanwhile, Mitchell is a mother of two.
Maybe all of their kids will grow up and star on a spin-off series about the family of a reverend too. It'd be like Fuller House, but 8th or 9th Heaven. Does that sound like a great idea or what? Somebody get Netflix on that, stat.
Image: The WB