Freedom, trans fats, and now, having an orgasm during anal sex will join the list as one of America's great traditions. Because it turns out, Americans are doing it— and we're doing it more than anyone else. A recent survey for Cam4 asked 8,000 women from across the globe everything about their orgasms— how often they orgasm, from what— you name it, they've got the details. And while there's been a long-standing link between anal sex and orgasm, this survey straight up asked how many women had an orgasm during anal. For Americans, that number was 42 percent. Forty two! Granted, that's not the majority, (and 71 percent of American women have orgasmed from vaginal sex) but if you think about how taboo anal sex is still considered or at least how little it's talked about, the fact that over 40 percent of women are not only doing it, but getting off from it, is pretty incredible.
But like I said, American women were the most likely to have orgasms during anal out of all of the women surveyed. I have no idea why. We weren't the most likely to have daily orgasms (here's looking at you, Spain) and we didn't lead the pack for vaginal orgasms (71 percent of American women have orgasmed from vaginal sex) But anal seems to be our thing. Go figure.
Here are how other countries compared to the US of A's 42 percent statistic:
1. There Was A Tie For Second Place
Italy and Canada— two countries that go together like maple syrup and marinara. As in, they have nothing in common. Not a damn thing. Except for the fact that both of them had a 38 percent rate when it came to anal orgasms. At least the delegates will have something to talk about at the UN now.
2. And For Third
An equally unlikely duo came in at third place. Think Earl Grey paella. Now don't think about, because it's disgusting. Oh football— that's what they have in common. England and Spain both are mental for soccer. And they both have 34 percent of women achieve orgasms during anal sex. Now you know.
3. Dutch Women Came Next
The Dutch (whose senior women are getting their rocks off once a week), was not so hot on the anal orgasms. Only 31 percent, or just under a third, had had an orgasm during anal sex. Although I have to say, these number are still higher than I would have necessary thought, so I'm pretty impressed.
4. Germany Wasn't So Hot
Only 27 percent of German women had had an orgasm during anal sex, which is a full 15 percent less than the US of A. That's a big difference. I still can't figure out why.
5. France Brought Up The Rear
PUN INTENDED. Although the French did great for married women having orgasms (more than single woman, you'll find), they were the least likely to orgasm from anal sex. Only 25 percent of women had achieved an orgasm from it. As someone who has never had an anal orgasm, I'm still really impressed. Anal orgasms are real and they're definitely happening all over the place, so it may be time to give it a go.
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Images: Andrew Zaeh/Bustle; Giphy (5)