Jade & Tanner Predict Who 'Bachelor' Ben Will Pick

It’s no surprise that Bachelor Nation’s newlyweds Jade and Tanner are watching Ben’s season of The Bachelor . After all, between the two of them, they've appeared on The Bachelor, Bachelorette, and Bachelor in Paradise, so they know what the process is like and have fun watching the show together. The newlyweds recently chatted with Bustle about their feelings on the latest season, and Jade and Tanner predicted The Bachelor winner, and shared their opinions on Season 20 villain, Olivia.
In case you’re not up to date on this season, we’re down to the top six ladies and last Monday Olivia Caridi was sent packing after a super awkward two-on-one date. Also last week, Leah was desperate to stay, so she decided to throw Lauren B. under the bus, which turned out to be a huge mistake. You never throw shade at the most-liked woman in the house. Sure enough when she went to chat with Ben about how Lauren B. wasn’t being genuine, he eventually sent Leah home. Lauren H. also went home last week. I didn't know much about her, other than I respected her for actually taking off her makeup at night and wearing her retainer.
But, what do Jade and Tanner have to say about all the Season 20 drama?
“[Olivia’s] the whole show,” Tanner disappointingly says about her exit. “She seems a little delusional, but I'm kind of sad she’s gone now. She was the only entertaining part of it!”
Jade agrees with Tanner's assessment of Olivia as too secure and very cocky, but if we know anything about Jade, it’s that she pretty much loves everyone and could never be too mean about another woman. Case in point:
You always want to hate a person and then you see them get their heart broken and you feel kind of sad and I felt really sad for her when she got left on the island. You just saw her little heart disintegrate and I felt so bad for her.
As for their predictions? Both Tanner and Jade are on team Amanda, but don’t think she will be the one Ben proposes too in the end. “It’s pretty obvious he likes Lauren B. from just watching the show,” Tanner says.
Jade adds, “I feel like Ben’s body language is very obvious. You can tell when he’s initiating the kissing and when he’s letting a girl kiss him, and you can tell he’s definitely into JoJo and Lauren B. I’m team Amanda, but I think him and JoJo would be a good fit. She’s fun and cute and they seem to get each other on an emotional level.”
Luckily for them, even if Amanda doesn't win, she has a chance of coming back as Bachelorette at this point, since the previews reveal Amanda getting a hometown date, we know she at least makes Top 4 and that's good news for a Bachelorette hopeful.
But, whatever happens, you know Jade and Tanner will be excited to see who ends up in Paradise for Season 3!
Images: ABC/Matt Petit; Giphy (2); BachelorABC/Tumblr