Things are rarely ever as they seem on How To Get Away With Murder , but some deaths seem pretty straightforward. Rebecca? Dead and disposed of by Frank (my hot hit man). Emily Sinclair? Mowed down by Asher in his car. But, speaking of Asher, there’s one death on the show that he’s just not buying — that of his father, William Millstone. Though he (and we as the audience) was told that Mr. Millstone hanged himself in his office after news of his corrupt ways were released to the public, Asher thinks his father’s suicide was a set up by Annalise, and, to be fair, Asher has a pretty good point.
Not that Asher’s even in the right frame of mind or anything — Asher’s mother blames Asher for driving his father to kill himself, so, of course, Asher is having a tough time. He even killed Sinclair because she insulted his father’s memory! Just to backtrack for a second — Asher’s dad covered up a sexual assault that Asher was involved in at Trotter Lake, and DA Sinclair, in a quest to get the truth about Annalise, blackmailed Asher with the info. Asher chose Annalise over his family, all of his dad’s cover-ups were released, and Dad took his own way out. But Annalise has had so many machinations over Asher’s behavior (including manipulating him to take her side and protect her) that Asher doesn’t even notice she’s controlling him.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Annalise had the whole thing staged — or even if DA Sinclair or Bonnie did. All three of these women play God in every possible way they can, and eliminating Asher’s dad would have worked out for both of them. Will Asher get to the bottom of it? Did Asher’s dad really commit suicide in embarrassment and shame? We have plenty more twists and turns to go in figuring out this How To Get Away With Murder mystery.
Images: John Fleenor/ABC; Giphy