Congratulations To Tess & Nick Holliday

Things are still on the rise for everyone's favorite plus size model: Tess Holliday is pregnant with her second child, as reported by People Magazine. The new arrival will be her first child with Australian partner Nick Holliday, and a new sibling to her adorable 10-year-old son Rylee. The Hollidays have already proven themselves fantastic parents to Rylee, what with their family trips to Disneyland that seem never-ending and Tess' pretty constant outpourings of love for her little boy on public platforms.
Tess and Nick's tight knit relationship is no secret (their couples selfies serve up all the inspo pretty constantly), so it's not a huge surprise that they'd want to expand their happy family. Tess seems totally excited and realistically prepared for the new adventure. "When I had my son, I was 20 and I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t have help. I’m really excited to be doing it again and have support, and be able to enjoy having a baby, because I couldn’t last time," she told People.
And it's true: With a great family to back her up, as well as an adoring fan base and rising career, her second child is set to be born into a nurturing and loving home.
Despite their obvious joy, Holliday and her fiancé are still being realistic about the strains of pregnancy and raising another child. “Anyone who is having another child, or even their first child, is lying if they’re saying they’re not nervous. I am worried about my ability to detach from work, and being able to focus on my family," Tess told People. "It’s [also] been 10 years since I had a kid, so there are so many things that are new. My friends that have babies are posting all of these new swings and breastfeeding techniques and new bottles, and it’s really overwhelming because I thought, ‘I’ve already done all this,’ but it feels like I haven’t. I’m having to relearn a lot!”
Altogether, it seems as though Tess and her family are looking forward to the challenges of raising their new baby, and are hoping that it will bring their small family closer together. "I think it really solidifies the two halves of our family coming together," Nick told People. “It will be nice to have the family more blended.” As for Rylee, his mom reported that he's excited for the new addition and "really wants a little brother."
With the news still fresh to the public, I for one look forward to pictures of baby scans, nursery decorating, and Tess Holliday's future witty captions about coping with pregnancy and raising a child in 2016.
Images: nickhollidayco, tessholliday/Instagram