22 Good, Bad and Weird Hillary Clinton Magazine Covers Through the Years
The Internet is in a hubbub today over the New York Times Magazine's new Hillary Clinton cover. Reactions to the "Planet Hillary" cover have been mixed — is it hilarious? Sexist? Artistic? All of that is up for debate, but the one thing it seems everyone can agree on is that the cover is ... atypical. Bizarre. Out there, to use a bad planetary pun.
And this is the second time this January that Hillary covers have made headlines independent of the articles they're attached to. Last week, the cover of Time magazine featured a giant, pant-suited woman in sensible heels squashing a Lilliputian man, alongside the headline "Can Anyone Stop Hillary?"
Ms. Clinton has long been a divisive figure (remember how mad the mom from My So-Called Life got when her husband said her short haircut made her look like Hillary?). But once upon a time — i.e., before Clinton became "the most powerful woman in American history" — it seems Clinton got a little better treatment on magazine covers. Let's look back at the many faces of Hillary Clinton in the media over the years.
Not-quite-yet First Lady Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton on the Sept. 14, 1992 edition of Time.
First Lady Hillary Clinton Cover
Time magazine’s “Hard Times for Hillary” cover, from March 21, 1994.
First Lady Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton looking strangely reminiscent of Madonna on the March 18, 1996 cover of Time magazine.
First Lady Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton and Liddy Dole on the July 1, 1996 cover of Time.
First Lady Hillary Clinton Cover
A newly 50-year-old Hillary Clinton on the Oct. 20, 1997 cover of Time.
First Lady Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton on the December 1998 cover of Vogue magazine.
Image: Huffington Post
First Lady/Senatorial Hopeful Hillary Clinton Cover
An illustrated Hillary Clinton on the cover of the Oct. 30, 2000 edition of the New Yorker.
U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton on the June 16, 2003 cover of Time.
U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton in an uncharacteristic amount of pink on the April 2004 cover of More magazine.
2008 Presidential Hopeful Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton gets a little bit of the Chairman Mao treatment on the Nov. 19, 2007 cover of Time magazine.
2008 Presidential Hopeful Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton looking presidential on the Jan. 21, 2008 cover of Newsweek magazine.
2008 Presidential Hopeful Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton on the March 2008 cover of Newsweek.
Image: Newsweek/Tumblr
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton on the Nov. 16, 2009 cover of Time.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton, “bad cop,” on the May 3, 2010 cover of Newsweek.
Image: Newsweek/Tumblr
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Cover
Hillary Clinton on the March 14, 2011 cover of Newsweek (the first issue of Newsweek with Tina Brown at the helm).
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Cover
Time magazine’s Nov. 7, 2011 Hillary Clinton cover.
Image: Diana Walker/
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Cover
The Feb. 1, 2013 cover of Newsweek magazine.
Image: Newsweek/Tumblr
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Cover
The Sept. 30, 2013 cover of New York Magazine. This is my personal favorite of all the Hillary Clinton magazine covers. It’s so rare to see her portrayed as …. well, human. Nice work, New York.
2016 Presidential Hopeful Hillary Clinton Cover
Time magazine’s most recent Hillary Clinton cover, published Jan. 27, 2014.
2016 Presidential Hopeful Hillary Clinton Cover
The Jan. 25, 2014 cover of the New York Times Magazine.