The Voice Of 'Hey Arnold' Is Super Hot These Days

As if news that a Hey Arnold! made-for-TV movie is in the works wasn't amazing enough, suddenly an even juicier piece of information has surfaced regarding one of the actors who voiced the all-important Arnold all those years ago. Lane Toran lent his voice to Arnold for 41 episodes during the original run of the show, and, although one might assume he somehow resembles his cartoon counterpart, this couldn't be further from the truth. Lane Toran is a straight-up hottie, with an incredible beard to back it up. I'm not kidding. Sure, the Hey Arnold! TV movie is great news. But Lane Toran is a revelation!
'90s nostalgia is rife right now. Alongside Nickelodeon resurrecting Hey Arnold!, we've had Clarissa Darling becoming a Manhattanite in book form, and talk of a musical version of Clueless. What a time to be alive! This is all proof that we really shouldn't be surprised that the guy responsible for voicing some of Arnold's most precious moments happens to be a wonderful slice of man now. It feels kinda weird talking about Hey Arnold! this way, but it'd also be wrong not to celebrate something of such incredible beauty! Lane Toran, we salute you, and all the wonderful photos of your on the internet. Here's what we've learnt about Toran so far.
He Likes To Chill By Windows
I don't blame Lane Toran for chilling by windows. He looks amazing in daylight.
Tattoos Are On Fleek
Who doesn't love a man with perfect tattoos?
He Drinks Coffee
"Doesn't everyone drink coffee?" you may ask. Sure, but do they look like this while they do it? No, no they do not.
He Looks Great Against The Nashville Skyline
Toran recently had a role on Nashville, like I couldn't love him any more than I already do.
An Appreciation Of History
Looking lush next to old monuments or some sh*t.
The Man Can Eat
There's really nothing better than a man who understands the importance of food. Right?
He's A Musician
Because he wasn't perfect already.
Great With His Hands
Enough said.
He Takes The Perfect Selfie
Lane Toran has got the selfie down. And I, for one, can't wait to see more of him. Time to get this man in some movies! You know I'm right.
Images: Nickelodeon