If you were planning on getting a good night's sleep tonight, TOO BAD, because these Disney princesses with scary make-up are about to take all the chill out of your dreams. Shonagh Scott, the model and the make-up artist behind this delightfully horrifying twist on your royal faves, runs the popular make-up tutorial account ShowMe Makeup — and when she's not showing the Internet how to perfect winged ombré eyeshadow or how to do your makeup like Beyoncé, she's casually and awesomely scarring us all for life with her twisted Halloween tips.
I don't mean to costume-shame myself, but it is rather unoriginal of me that I've now now gotten drunk — er, celebrated Hallow's Eve! — in the same Rapunzel costume every year since my junior year of college. It's high time Disney fans help bring back the true meaning of Halloween: unsettling everyone around you with eerily realistic face blood.
What's spectacular about all of these looks is that Scott didn't just add the blood and gore indiscriminately. Each princess was zombified according to her own unique storyline, which makes this every bit as precious as it is bone-chilling. If the Brothers Grimm saw these, even they'd be like, "Whoa, y'all OK in 2015?" Short answer: NOPE. But we will be, as soon as we get on Scott's level and channel these gory princesses:
Snow White
Putting the "AFGAFGJLFGALDFG" in poisoned fruit.
"Ugh, I'm so late. Can anybody find my other shoe?!?!?"
... Chip, how could you?
Lesson to be learned here, contract signers: Read the fine print.
Sometimes you "let it go" a little too hard :/ :/ :/.
Check out Shonagh Scott's make-up tutorials on ShowMe Makeup by visiting her YouTube account here. Trust me — her Halloween is going to be much spookier than yours.
Want to see more rad Halloween shenanigans? Check out Bustle's latest Halloween video below!
Images: Courtesy of Shonagh Scott of ShowMe Makeup