7 Viral Meme Halloween Costumes For 2015

There are so many amazing 2015 Halloween costume ideas you can choose from, and sifting through them all to find the perfect outfit can be a major challenge. If we know how to do anything here on the interwebz, we know how to share. And when something gets shared enough to make you want to never see it again, that's when it is inducted into the meme hall of fame, next to old favorites like cat-breading, or the even older and even favoritier classic "Peanut Butter Jelly Time." Sometimes, we sweep those memes into the back of our minds, letting them all blend together in a wash of dancing pixels and clumsy corgis. But fear not — I'm here to remind you about all those wonderfully overexposed moments of 2015 with these viral meme Halloween costumes.
If you still don't have a costume, you're probably riding solo this Halloween, or at least not planning an elaborate multi-person masquerade with loads of planning and DIY projects. Because honestly, who has the time? There are still a few days left to gather the perfect costume, so why not go totally viral, and dress as one of these #unforgettable memes?
The best part about these costumes is that they are profoundly visible on social media — if you roll that way, which, if you're considering dressing as a meme for Halloween, you likely do — because most of them already have their own dedicated hashtag. Get ready for significantly more than 11 <3's.
1. #Deflategate
Patriots Pom Beanie, $24, Amazon | White Ultra Stretch Jeans, $40, UNIQLO |
Remember when the Patriots got caught cheating in the playoffs? No, not that time — I'm talking about just last February when Tom Brady knowingly charged a team staffer with the task of deflating the footballs that the Patriots would use in the AFC Championship Game. Of course, we all remember deflategate and the ensuing will-they-or-won't-they madness of Tom Brady's suspension. You can celebrate this achievement in playing fast and loose with the rules with this costume.
Costume: Polyvore
2. Feminist Pizza Rat
Pizza Rat Flip Flops, $18, Cafe Press | Silver Sparkly Mouse Ears, $7, Amazon
No high socks or push-up bras are required for this Pizza Rat ensemble, which includes a mouse-print frock, a sparkling pair of ears, and even some Pizza Rat-official sandals ($18, Cafe Press). Make sure to bring pizza with you wherever you go, or else you're just another subway rat.
Costume: Polyvore
3. The Dress That Broke The Internet
Nars Night Out Blue, $20, Macys | Essie Jiggle Hi Jiggle Low, $8, Beauty Plus Salon | Nars Back Room, $20, Bloomingdales | Essie Private Weekend, $8, Beauty Plus Salon
Instantly incite heated arguments wherever you go with this #TheDress costume, which comes prepared to look super weird in any lighting situation with any level of white balancing. Take it to the next level with a color-coordinated manicure. Just be sure to paint the corresponding colors on their designated sides.
Costume: Polyvore
4. Netflix And Chill All By Yourself
Red Capri Yoga Pants, $19, Amazon | Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream, $4, Amazon Fresh | Ugg Slippers, $85, Amazon | Red Lace Bra, $10, Amazon
This Netflix and Chill outfit is certainly the most comfortable of the bunch, but holds a little secret (or an *easter egg,* as we say on the Internet) — the Netflix red bra is hidden beneath your shirt for someone to find if you find anyone special to "chill" with on Halloween night.
Costume: Polyvore
5. Defending Champion Sports Baby, Riley Curry
Golden State Warriors Snapback, $14, Amazon | Ray-Ban Aviators, $123, Amazon
If you somehow missed the glorious introduction of the one and only three-year-old entertainer Riley Curry, you're doing it wrong. Eldest daughter of NBA sharpshooter and champion nice guy Stephen Curry, Riley put her stamp on 2015 when she went absolutely and adorably ham during a few of the post-game press conferences, singing Big Sean and trying to get MVP dad Steph to help her with her slap bracelet. I feel you, kid. Jewelry is hard.
Costume: Polyvore
6. Patriotic Ariana Grande And Doughnut
Kimmy High Wasted Skirt, $15, Motel Rocks | Donut Crossbody, $48, Amazon | Cat Ears, $6, Hot Topic | Vintage Patriotic Phone Case, $40, Caseify | White Gogo Boots, $35, Costume Supercenter
Is there any more meaningful way to declare your membership in the fandom of the ol' USA than rocking a patriotic-print iPhone case? Probably not. Dress up as Ariana Grande, complete with Gogo boots and a doughnut purse. Don't forget your cat ears, which can be easily replicated with pipe cleaner, in a pinch.
Costume: Polyvore
7. Snapchat With Rainbow Vom Lens
Snapchat really had a moment this year. This vibrant yellow costume is perfect if you really don't wanna go to the party anyway, and would rather bar-hop the night away with your BFFs. As Snapchat, if you disappear after 10 seconds, people will just admire your commitment. You can thank me later. Find an amazing rainbow vom tutorial HERE at GettingPretty.
Costume: Polyvore
For more Halloween ideas, check out Bustle on YouTube.
Images: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon/Youtube; Polyvore (7)