This Is Great News For the 'Sherlock' Fandom

It's news that's really great for fans, writers, and creators, but not so great for the descendants of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: A whole bunch of the Sherlock Holmes stories just went into public domain in the US. In fact, most of it. It's a big moment for a whole lotta people. While not all of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work goes into public domain until 2023, Judge Rubén Castillo rules recently that the stories published before 1923 are now fair game when it comes to copyright law. In other words: It's a free-for-all of Sherlock Holmes awesomeness waiting to happen and you should all be very excited.
Who are we kidding, the Sherlock Holmes fandom was already a free-for-all of Sherlock Holmes awesomeness — all you need to do to see that is look at the BBC Sherlock fandom's contributions to see that. But this is pretty cool, and it opens up a lot of doors. For one, fan fiction writers (of which the Sherlock Holmes fandom holds a hefty few) no longer have to worry about the long arm of the law breathing down their necks (mixed metaphor, as most arms don't have mouths).
Maybe it also means that some Sherlockian version of something like The Lizzie Bennet Diaries will pop up — from my perspective more adaptations are always welcome, especially if it means one of them might actually include the infamous pair going canonically romantic. It's not strictly necessary, but it'd be nice to see at least once.
So in celebration of this grand day in Sherlockian history, here are two fan fiction recommendations that some of the biggest Sherlock fans I know swear deserve their own adaptations:
Image: BBC