If you're a huge fan of The Vampire Diaries, then you're going to love this news. Candice Accola is pregnant, the actress announced Monday via Instagram. She is expecting her first child with her husband Joe King, who is a guitarist for The Fray. She shared the happy news with the cutest photo ever, which includes Accola, her husband, and King's two daughters from a previous relationship wearing white shirts decorated with words expressing their excitement. Yep, Caroline Forbes (Accola's TVD character) would absolutely approve.
She captioned the photo as follows,
Sometimes a Saturday is best spent painting t-shirts and taking an awesome family photo Happy Monday everybody! #ThatAintNoBurritoinMyBelly Thank you to our friend @softspiritstrong for coming over and snapping this sweet pic.
King is also beyond excited, as he wrote on Instagram, "Baby King on the way!!!! So proud to welcome this new life into the world with my beautiful wife and daughters. I truly am a lucky man & dad."
So, does this mean Caroline will be pregnant on the show, and possibly to Stefan? Seeing as they both play vampires, probably not. However, given this piece of juicy gossip TVD executive producer Julie Plec shared while chatting with TVLine, I'm not so sure a pregnancy is out of the question. "I would say Stefan and Caroline are part of one of the bigger surprises of the season, which we’ll unfold around Episode 6 or 7. It’s a bit of a fun curveball to throw their way," she said.
Hmm... baby or no baby? It's TVD and as fans know, anything can happen. Never say never.
Whatever the case, congrats to Accola and King on their exciting news!