Spritzr Is The Matchmaking Dating App You Need

If you fancy yourself a matchmaker, there's a new dating app for that: Spritzr, which launched today, allows you to refer potential love interests to your single friends via Facebook, so you can help your BFF find a worthy partner rather than continuing to watch her date scumbag after scumbag. "[The app] provides a fun, rewarding way to match-make [your] single friends, to help fill that empty seat around the dinner table," Manshu Agarwal, founder and CEO, tells Bustle.
So if you're in a happy relationship and want the same for your perpetually single friends, being a Spritzr matchmaker might be a good place to start. Of course, if you're the single gal in question, you have to seriously trust your friends' judgment in order to not wind up on a painfully awkward date. "Spritzr is as much about couples playing matchmakers for their single friends as it is for singles to find quality dates quickly," says Agarwal.
Even though we can't all be talented matchmakers, it's still a fun concept in a world where online dating seems to be more of the same — swiping day in and day out until our fingers bleed. Especially if, like me, you're tired of having to sift through hundreds of dating profiles, only to wind up disappointed all too often, Spritzr can help take off some of the pressure by putting the power in your friends' hands, not yours.
Here are six things you need to know about this latest dating app — use it well, and soon loneliness and third-wheeling might be a thing of the past.
1. Be A Dater Or Matchmaker
When you sign up for the app, you choose whether you're making a Dater profile or a Matchmaker profile. If you're already taken and are feeling sorry for one particular friend who's always a third wheel, you can try your hand at playing Cupid by signing up to be a Matchmaker. Then, you simply suggest two friends to each other; if there's mutual interest, they are sent notifications and can connect. If one or both parties isn't into it, no notifications are sent out, and no feelings are hurt.
2. Earn Karma Points
Who doesn't deserve to be rewarded for bringing more happiness into the world? Spritzr's Karma Points feature adds a little extra motivation to be an exceptional Matchmaker. There's a leaderboard that shows which Matchmakers are doing a particularly great job at setting up their friends, and you can earn bronze, silver, or gold status. Gold status holders get something of a VIP treatment, receiving virtual and real rewards, as well as access to exclusive Spritzr events. If that's not an incentive to help your friends find love, I don't know what is.
3. Get Matchmade Even If You Aren't On The App
That's right: Even if you're attempting to ward off potential suitors, you can still receive Facebook notifications letting you know that you've been "Matchmade" by a friend with the app. Sure, that might be a nuisance to some stubborn singles, but what do you have to lose? Chances are, your friend has your best interests at heart and genuinely thinks you and this other person will hit it off. As the great Hilary Duff once said, "Why not take a crazy chance?"
4. Let The Spritzr Community Help
Maybe some of your friends just aren't doing the trick, and you want help from other seasoned Matchmakers. Spritzr allows you the option of entrusting your love life to strangers, albeit ones who are "experienced" at making love connections. If you choose this option, don't worry: Three or more Matchmakers have to make a suggestion before you see it, ensuring that it's a super high-quality match that multiple people think is worth your time.
5. Give Feedback To Matchmakers
Though this feature is still in the works, soon Daters will be able to let their Matchmakers know how they're doing. This is especially important because the concept of this app is so new: If Matchmakers are just throwing out suggestions willy-nilly, Daters have the right to let them know that they're doing a bad job. If everyone is at the top of their Matchmaking game, it provides everyone with the best overall experience, and with the most realistic chances of finding love.
6. Chat Within The App
Once a connection has been made, the app works much like Tinder: You can chat with whoever it is you're matched with, and Spritzr even has pre-made messages if you're not a super creative or talkative person. Just like any other app, you're free to exchange numbers, set up a date, and then, if all goes well, find love and become a Matchmaker yourself someday!
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Images: Courtesy of Spritzr (4)